Hasuak's Forum Posts

  • Make every dungeon and town etc as seperate layouts. Use global variables for triggered changes in the world, such as moved objects or destroyed areas. Keep one towns events in one sheet and dungeons in another event sheet. Shouldn't be too difficult.

    Kept this post simple and short cause Im writing from phone :)

  • So, I'm trying to import an image bigger than 2048 pixels and the image editor gives me the warning of incompatibility on some platforms. Does this affect any forms of the game for PC or Mac, or just handheld systems?

    I'm planning on making a game that looks good on desktop systems even on fullscreen, so my graphics are rather high resolution. I can't find much information about the incompatibility and I must know this before I start rendering all those big pieces for my levels.

  • I've looked everywhere and can't find a solution on how to make an 8-directional object to move into certain directions as if they are hit by something. Imagine a spaceship getting hit by a meteor. The controls should be enabled all the time but there should be a seperate physics impact, without using a physics object.

    Confuzzling, yes. Indeed.

  • Oh, my. I've never thought about that shadow thing. I need to check it out tomorrow when I have time. Thank you so much.

    Yet you didn't answer my question. I was talking about the walking enemies that overlap each other and doesn't go behind others when walking higher (farther) on the level. I just realized that whenever 8-directional object moves, it comes on top of the layer. Or so it seems. I'm not completely sure, since it could also be the action that I made for player's depth. I can make the enemy go in front or behind player sprite, but not other enemies.

    I can't really share my CAPX because it's full of graphics, test stuff, debugging etc. Pre rendered 3D stuff with lots of frames ;)

  • So I finally decided to restart my fighting game. I've begun working on 8-directional controls like in Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc.

    My problem is that I can't figure how to make enemies move behind another when they move "farther" from each other. By farther, I mean higher on Y-axis. I tried making a check like so:

    every tick

    Enemy.Y is greater than Enemy.Y

    Move to bottom of layer

    Doesn't sound very logical, especially when working with masses of enemies. Whenever enemy passes another on Y-axis, it's instantly sent behind the entire crowd. I'm not sure if this is even possible to fix without serious scripting, but any help would be appreciated.

    Another thing. How do I prevent z-fighting? I mean, the enemies try to align themselves with my Y-axis to attack. This causes the crowd to start "flashing" because they are overlapping each other.

    Thanks in advance.

  • When pressing [Button] -> wait 0.3 seconds -> Platform simulate [Jump]

    The wait is in System category's actions.

    EDIT: Do you mean you can't access the jump action? If so, you need to add Platform behavior for your object. The jumping action is in Platform -> Simulate action.

  • I belive there is conditions such as "Is jumping", "Is falling" and "Is landed" etc. You need platform behavior for those. They pretty much make the magic happen.

  • You are asking if you can create an educational math game without coding anything? Yes, you can do that.

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  • I can't find any examples, but there is lots of tutorials around there. Don't expect to get examples for everything. Sometimes you have to do your own homework. And I didn't mean to be rude. Just stating the obvious.

  • naelian

    Hey, I think we are getting somewhere with this. A breakthrough indie game about all the not-promising-all-pretentious indie games together. A game about making a game that you haven't planned at all and just ask others for ideas and come up with something that hundred others have already made.

    I'm riiiiiiich~!

  • I got a great idea. It's called "My Game".

    It's a game that you create from your own sources of inspiration and determination of creating an unique piece that doesn't need others to tell you what to do.

    Also it would include sombre piano music, slow insightful text, silhouette characters against bright backgrounds and pretentious suicide ending. :)

  • First one of course. You could blend the roof texture with the second one's because the 2nd looks grittier. It would give some extra worn looks for it. Dunno.

  • First you of course need a character for yourself with attack animations and whatnot. You need to add Image Points for the attack animations where the so-called hitboxes spawn at. The hitboxes are the invisible "bullets" you shoot from your hands, just like in real life (loljk). Then you need to add events that check animation frames. Like, when the attack animation comes to it's impact, check its frame number and set that into the event. Then add an action to spawn your hitbox to your image point.

    Next add an event for your enemy to see if it's colliding with the hitbox. If the collision happens, make an action that removes the hitbox (if you are after realistic attacks), substract health from the colliding enemy and play sounds etc.

    I can't give any examples since my only fighting game project with stuff like this is quite big already. As long as you've gotten around the logic how conditions, actions, collision and such works you shouldn't have hard times to get this working. Then comes polishing and making it look good. That's another story.

    Just a hint: Make the hitbox remove itself after one tic so enemies won't be walking into invisible, floating punches your attacks leave behind. Also adding variables for the hitbox for damage and attack type (for different hit animations etc makes your work easier. Add events for setting the damage and type right after spawning the hitbox to control the power of your attacks.

    Whoa, a long post this one... :D

  • I'm not sure if I understood, but I gave it a shot. Holler if this wasn't what you were looking for.


  • That's what I tried. It turned the angle of the particle, but the graphic itself didn't turn around. I mean, the particle is shooting these sort of arrows/waves and I want the to turn around as player is mirrored.

    I did it the "dirty" way and made another particle system with mirrored graphics. This is actually something that should be added to your to-do list :O