Yeah I figured to copy the game export files over and override the Intel XDK folder after a few times. Basically just replace the contents of the www folder with your updated game export.
Overall it's a very streamlined process and the IPA works with Apple Test Flight.
I'm pleased with the performance overall. There's an issue with Apple's WKWebView treating games using it as a website and so music gets streamed separately into Air Drop. What this means is there are lag/stutter when music tracks are changed. It also ignores "Preload Music". If tracks are changed rapidly, two tracks may play at once and cause instability/crashes. These issues can be work-around with your game design so it's not too bad.
Performance wise, it's good, this is my PC game ported to iOS:
It holds 60 fps quite well even in big battles. The only dips are due to music tracks changing.