I think people here are not referring to the lack of big games on PC, certainly there are already quite a few, Ubi, Airscape, Our Darker Purpose, and Penelope along with quite a few huge games currently in development.
They are referring to the lack of big games on mobiles, and it is true. We have been severely limited by CocoonJS's lack of memory management for so long, anyone who embarked on a big game for mobiles is either a) naive or b) extremely brave. I fell into the category A. :p
But luckily Crosswalk saved my bacon, and now I just eagerly await the Ad/IAP support and it's all good, no more excuses for my failures. But indeed, iOS remains a huge hurdle with our current options. CocoonJS is fine for smaller games, as we all agreed, but there seem to be no indication from Ludei of their willingness to fix memory management and 7 required permissions by default.