HackerBoy's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • No idea about keeping it going but you can store the value in 'LocalStore' to resume it next time.

  • You can add event for ~ On Start of Layout ~ and add an action to it ~ Sprite -> Set Position, it will ask for X and Y location in which fill up ~ random(starting value, maximum value) ~ it means that if your command is ~ random(10,20), it will select any random value b/w 10 to 20.. Hope it helps <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    Image : ufile.io/a6864

  • Yes, it's possible with C2. You need to make several instances and slots for your Match3 game (if I'm correct, by Match3 you mean games like Candy Crush and others). Starting with making slots, spawning the object or candies according to it and checking every move if 3 or more instances are in line/matching. Meanwhile, another group for all those moves and scores.. Hope it helps

  • Maybe you can use the 'Family' feature of C2 to achieve same animation.. (I remember there was a tuitorial for that right in Examples of C2)

  • I've been making a Web-based project where Host can send his pic from front cam to peer connected.. It just broadcasts the SnapshotURL... but seems the broadcast isn't getting complete (maybe because the URL generate is long) or am I doing something wrong?

    The .capx file ~ ufile.io/14799

    Please anyone help me out

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  • Sorry but cant find any possible ways to hook up the capx file... Can you do the same making simple one please?

  • I did it but still triggers the 'On Error' section everytime


    Any help? (Updated C2)

  • Any way to get the server's response from C2? (like PHP file 'echoes' something?)

  • Roger! BTW Thnx

  • I want to fetch files from the Internet and use them in C2.


    A File ~ "file.txt" from "http://example.com/folder/file.txt" and use the file's content under C2

    For an instance:

    A file named "users.txt" containing: "hello, world, test", fetching them from C2 somehow and using the fetched value as string

    Any possible ways?

    (Extra: I'm using Release 212 of C2) Thanks

  • 10 posts