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    drag and drop I want

    items being unique so stats on gear are different on each drop

    so if i left click i gain item , if i right click in inventory it zeros it out, if its a gear and you right click then the blue helmet equips but i want that str stat to roll once on that one helmet and if i get another that the new helmet will have a different roll on it . (diablo style) each gear will have its own unique stats. if i equip a helmet and one is already equiped i want them to swap places..... i'm not too sure what i need to do. anyone able to skype or step by step help me ?

  • ya those links didn't help me much, did you figure it out Polymorphism? we can skype and try and help eachother i've been trying to do the same thing

  • or i would be willing to skype to get help if you dont have a full version PM me your skype info

  • i've looked at every other tutorial but the drag and drop tutorial capx is a broken link and all the threads about inventory aren't done very well for a beginner like my self to understand i know arrays and somethings but learning still. I looked into the CS plugins and those links are broken too just wanted a drag and drop inventory system like torchlight which i see another guy had a thread on, not sure if hes had much luck

  • so when an item is in inventory i want it to be able to drag from inventory and lock into place in the correct box in the character sheet and be able to drag back into the inventory. I learn that i need and inventory with boxes since the orange square is just a place holder showing the slot is empty. If each helmet i get is going to have different stats (like a maple story, which i'm aiming for) instead of destroying i believe i need to have it just move to the layer at X.Y location of the equipped box and back . i'm having trouble when i click to equip chest piece it does both helmet and chest and sometimes when i do my helmet and does the chest aswell. can someone take a look and tell me step by step how to fix my work to get it working but i only want drag and drop happening when item is in inventory or equipped or be able to right click and have it move back and forth ... ok i feel like i'm rambling

  • ok i got everything working now

  • round(random (1, 2)) was missing so its whole numbers so i dont get a 1.23 otherwise 1 isn't 1

  • ok i figured out the random roll ... i was confused about that system set variable-commonloot with Variable- "(random (1, 2))" in text spot ..... wow cant believe it took me 8 hours to figure this out

    but now i ran into an issue can i get a spawn from something thats getting destroyed? so like my monsters hit box i want the item to spit out at the 0 image point... but ya since its getting destroyed i dont think my image of coin is going to spawn in

  • Tom i'm trying your method come to my stream to help, or if you can make me a capx file so i can refer to it?

  • i'll be streamin come by and see how my project is coming along

  • ok i'm still new to arrays.... ummm do they always randomly choose within the arrays table? or do i have to set something up to "Roll" and randomly choose? but you guys thanks again for tremendous help

    Another thing i'd like to know while we are on this topic is how would i have this item explode out of the enemy when it gets spawnd

    or i guess i could run hit box item shower animation and have it roll on each monster kill and have it on that box.... ok i think i answered my own question..... if you know another way let me know

  • I figured this one out , in my Spriter Pro character attack animation i made a hit box within the animation , a feature i totally forgot about in the program and then when that box collides with enemy it gets destroyed . Problem Solved!!!

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  • making a platform game similar to maple story where you kill an enemy and items get spit out, any idea how to go about making a drop rate and Items spit out of enemy

    so i think on enemy death i want to do this....

    is have an array whether the monster drops or doesn't drop items, have a 2nd array for each individual monsters items , then a 3rd for how many items get spawnd, and 4th array for rarity items. is that too many arrays?

    well... i'm lost on where i need to start so if anyone can shed some light where i begin please leave your skype ID or come to my stream i stream from 11-5pm PST time. or Leave steps below

  • i'm trying a different method at the moment , still having trouble