gugugu's Forum Posts

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm having a few issues with animations

    Whenever I have an animation that is supposed to play once, it gets stuck on the last frame instead of simply ending. I unchecked the loop checkbox and the animation is set not to repeat. So far I've fixed this with additional events but it's causing problems and cluttering up the event layout.

    The second and biggest problem I'm having is that animations are finishing prematurely. I'm using the platform movement behavior and it seems to happen when my character is accelerating in speed (it doesn't happen while the character is standing still or moving at full speed).

    Also, is there a way to preview your animations somewhere?

    thanks in advance!

  • I have only one problem so far with the Platform Behavior and that is the jumping.

    What i want to achieve is moving the sprite in an arch while jumping, starting with the start of the jump til landing (while moving horizontally). It seems the platform behavior doesn't work like this but rather moves the sprite in a triangular shape (with a smooth top).

    is there a combination of values that do what i want or will i need to make a custom movement?

    I also noticed something a bit unnerving which might be a bug. i tried several times jumping in the exact same position and each time reached different heights, though with very small variations. is there a simple way to fix this like setting the Y velocity to 0 when landing?

  • Hmm, I did as you say and replaced all the conditions and actions, but the problem still remains

    Maybe i did something wrong, i'm confused to how putting things in a family would solve the problems.

  • Hi all,

    I recently (kind of) finished an enemy for a game i'm working on. All worked well and good until i added another one to the layout for testing. Now all enemies seem to react to events that are only supposed to affect one of them.

    At first i thought the problem was in the comparing of X position relative to the main character sprite, but i think i fixed that and the problem remains.

    What is supposed to happen is that when MC comes close to a spider, the spider will move towards the MC and bungee down when the MC is directly below it. If the MC is far away, the spider should return to its original X position. This works when there's only one spider.

    I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong and how to fix it.

  • that seems to do the trick, thanks!

  • [quote:891emlar]Just disable Gravity and set Mass to 999999999 and nothing will move it.

    I think this would work, though right now, the action for changing mass at runtime seems to be buggy and won't do anything.

    [quote:891emlar]Could you perhaps be more specific in what you're trying to do? What sort of static objects? What sort of physics are you applying? Are you dealing with gravity? Do you just not want certain things to move until told, or do you want everything freezing/moving in unison?

    I want certain objects to be completely fixed, like a solid background tile, and when told to, start to move (gravity and all).

    I guess I'll put this little project on hold until the physics behavior is closer to completion

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  • First of all, hello, i'm new to this forum.

    Second, thank you for a beautiful program. I'm a long time Multimedia Fusion user and Construct seems to have everything that MMF is missing, and more. I've been completely blown away by this program ever since i first started it up. Everything is just so... smart

    It's so nice to see that you actually have an understanding of games (insert long rant with bashing of Clickteam here).


    Anyway, I have a few questions about the physics behaviour:

    Is it possible to somehow toggle the Immovable option during runtime?

    Is there a way to delete a hinge?

    If not, could someone perhaps tell me how to emulate this? What I'm trying to do is have static objects placed around the playfield and when a certain event occurs, apply physics to them.

    edit: I thought I had figured something out by adding another physics behaviour, but there doesn't seem to be a way to toggle behaviours on/off?