Guenwhyever's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • These forums are rather quiet...

    2k views shows that people are reading, and hopefully using these!

    If all the feedback you get is positive, then you can be sure that people are using your tutorials and are happy with them!

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  • It only seems to duplicate on the load following a save.

    The "duplicate" objects are not rendered nor do they activate events, so I don't see this being a huge problem. The only thing they seem to effect is the total object count. If you have a count for a specific sprite, it stays at one.

    Also, if you inspect the elements through the debug screen, construct crashes.

    Just confirming that it's not only you ;]

  • That's quite a bit of lag.

    Using the mouse behavior or a set position event gives me far less lag then that (and I'm on an old box).

  • After messing around a while, I figured it out on my own!

    I just added some empty space to the left of the collision box and then made it flip around when I faced left

  • To start off, this is my first post and sorry if I missed anything

    Everything you see is a WIP, so no need to give feedback.

    Load up the game, hit start, and select level 1.

    When my playersprite turns to the left the collision box doesn't stay in the same place (relative to his body).

    Just asking for help on how to fix that!

  • 5 posts