grossd's Forum Posts

  • Thanks. I tried, but solid doesn't work. All the balls congregate behind each other and/or continue to bounce off each other. They do not fill the space upwards.

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  • Hello all (and Ashley),

    Is there available for download a complete C2 DTD/Schema file, for the project, layout and event xml files, and perhaps also state files. I'd like to explore a bit more in depth the underlying XML format.

    It's quite possible to generate Schema files from XML data files, but these are often only partial, based on the data given.

    thank you,


  • Thanks, for pointing out masking.

    Yes. karim in the Skype chat group, was so kind to suggest masking, also; and i now implemented a variation on masking (the inside of the cup is transparent, and another non transparent cup version sits underneave. And inbetween the cups there is a juice "tile" whose height gets increased as more balls collide with the upper rim of the cup.

    But, ideally, i'd would have liked the balls be the juice in the cup, perhaps by changing the viscosity of the increasing mass of balls, and by making them pile up within the glass inside boundary.

  • Hello,

    I've tried to fill a transparent cup with small balls, using physics and spawning objects. Unfortunatley, so far all i got is balls that "congregate" at the bottom of the cup one behind another, instead of pilling up beside and ontop of each other.

    Is there a simple way using physics settings of balls, to achieve this?



  • Hi,

    I essentially wrote the following code, which spawns an object type twice, each time setting a new width. Oddly, only the second time the new width is set. The first spawn retains the width of the object type which was used to spawn the object.

    EDIT: here is the result:

    EDIT: I now spawn three objects, and set a different width for each, but only the last one gets a new width set.

    EDIT: Using create object, instead of spawn makes it work:

    I wonder why this is?

    I'd like to generate "water bars" one ontop of another, to simulate the filling of a cup with water. Since the cup size changes as water is filled each 'spawned" water "bar" needs a new width.

    any comments would be much appreciated,


  • Thanks for the response.

    It makes a lot of sense to post a comment on the Manual page where a question arises, and where others may offer answers. It saves time and hassle searching -- which may or may not yield results to questions.

    This is how comments on manuals are structured in various open source projects, such as MySQL and many others ...

    In fact in the MySQL manual pages you will find commenter offering sample code how to use SQL functions in variously efficient ways.


  • Hi,

    When reading the manual pages I sometimes still have open questions. For example, when reading up on physics, and the apply force action, it as unclear to me what the unit of force is that is specified in the parameters.

    I think it could be really great if logged in members could add comments at the bottom of manual pages. This could i think benefit both manual readers and writers.



  • Hi,

    I am trying to create a little animation in which water is poured out into a cup. It doesnt have to be perfect just a an approximation. I have a jug which can be tilted and then water balls fall down into a transparent cup. Currently, all this works nicely, however, i'd like to have the the water level in the cup go up, and can't figure out how to do this. Also, i'd like the balls that are already in the cup stop moving around so much.

    Any suggestions how i could achieve this would be much appreciated.


  • EDIT: I hope I didn't come across to rough here ... was written after hours on the road driving

    But, to complete my thought, and throw in some encouragement, to increase the priority for making C2 projects more easily reusable:

    As a beginning C2 developer, I was not aware of the limitations in reusing assets from one project to another. I therefore happily developed 8+ carefully crafted little game apps. Creating little reusable apps is a software engineering best practice, and would be good practice in C2 also. And my plan was to then mix and match the game apps in various ways to develop larger "story lines".

    This is something I can not do right now, without carefully reviewing each little game app, with re-usability and current C2 limitations in repackaging games in mind. I will just have to "bite the bullet", and spend the time on essentially restarting all game apps, to make them more reusable, while our project clock continues to tick, and users are waiting to be participatorily tested. And I foresee running into such code reuse problems again, since its hard to anticipate what new game assets one will need, and how such needs would ripple through various games variants I will further need to develop, that are built on a common base. And, manual managing these ripple task is time intensive and error-prone.

    While new functionality is indeed a high priority, support for sound software engineering practices is also essential for the creation of maintainable and evolvable software code. Its not by chance that technologies such as object-orientation, and software architectures have gotten the tremendous attention over the last two decades, to specifically tackle the complexities of software development, maintenance, change and evolution.

    As an aside, it would also have been good to be apprised of C2's limitations in reusing code, earlier in the "game", so that I could have arrange game resources in a more favorable manner.

    C2 is a fantastic environment, and I really want to use it for the current proof of concept and much beyond too, and I am looking much forward to see it become an even better tool.

    </end of ramble>


  • Thanks. Yes, that's the direction I am going to try now, also. To create some filled in "asset" templates to work from. In parallel, I'll explore, as time permits, some XML based merge approaches too, in case I can come up with some useful and lightweight tools.

  • Perhaps to avoid overlaps with the Forum, I should make the wiki's main purpose as a vehicle to discuss side projects I am trying to do, in an open, and open source fashion:

    Open, in the sense that I am writing up my design thinking, as I go along. It's open, so anyone can chim in and comment, point out issues and offer improvements, or even contribute.

    And, Open source: the code I will write, will be open for everyone to take, use, improve on, and hopefully, contribute back.


  • Thanks for the feedback. There is always room for improvement. I have not heard of wikia before. I'll check it out.

    I think for technical discussions that should yield additive know-how, a wiki is better suited than a forum. In a forum you end up reading down the discussions, and contributions get appended in the end. You actually never know what the last word on an issue is. A wiki allows improving contents in one spot. Also, a wiki allows indexing contents in various ways.

    Anyway, many thanks for the feedback.


    Also, one main motivation I have is to getting the community involved in collaborative design and development, of useful C2 additions (like, perhaps a C2 project import utility). The wiki could then offer a collaborative documentation space. Again, something not readily doable in a forum.

    I now checked out Wikia, it looks really neat, but i think DocuWiki is more light-weight (doesn't even need a database), and has some really useful plugins such as UML diagrams and chat. I'll continue checking out both ...

  • Hello,

    I just created a C2 wiki at:

    EDIT: After some more thinking, i think best if the wiki has very little overlap with infos included/posted at

    Hence, best if I use the wiki to openly present and discuss C2 side project I am doing that could be of benefit to the C2 community in general. Perhaps, someone might find it useful, and even may want to contribute also. The result would be open source, for anyone to take, use, improve on, and hopefully, contribute back to.


    While I am learning how to use C2 and am discussing ideas and contemplating helper projects, I plan to include useful information there. Unlike a forum, in a wiki everyone can add and change contents, and hence, I hope, this can become a humble community driven repository of continuously updated useful information. If successful, perhaps Ashley and the folks at C2, might also be willing to look it over and contribute contents.

    As a first mini project, I am contemplating to use C2 to develop a C2 project import "game" with which one can import parts of one project into another using a C2 built nodekit app. The humble design beginnings of it can be seen here: ... ni-project

    and here: ... c2umlmodel


  • Hi,

    To keep game trials manageable i created various game "segments" in different C2. I now notice that merging those segments into one game is very hard.

    I feel that an intelligent import features would be very desirable. In particular given the asset checks C2 makes, so no dangling references are allowed.

    I envision a tool that a) supports cleanly importing layout and event sheets, and b) warns about and includes, references, such as global variables referred to in one layout but defined in another -- either by further including the other layout, or by replicating the global variable, possibly into an include layout, making the first layout self contained. And c) to support dealing with assets (images, music, sound files), by either redirecting references in imported sheets to assets already available or duplicating assets as needed, or giving the importing user choices.

    I think this would make C2 much more manageable when working on multiple games that have shared layouts, events and assets.



  • Hello,

    Now that I am developing somewhat more complex Layouts and Behaviors, I find it's very important to really understand how Event Sheets are executed. This would give me a mental model of execution that is very important to have in programming.

    Is there a description available, that includes items such as event loop, execution queues and the like, and how commands behave in relation to that such as repeat, wait, function, etc.

