OK, so I solved it with some Javascript injected with the browser, and a tailored javascript call as follows:
(Its pretty basic. It's too bad that its not supported "natively" in C2 in the node-webkit plugin, but since I am new to javascript, it took me a bit to stich together, and I feel my solution is rather brittle).
In C2:
set varCanvas = right(CanvasSnapshot,len(CanvasSnapshot)-23)
Execute JavaScript varScript & "; me( 'c:\\results\\file99.jpg', '" & varCanvas & "');"
and javascript I've loaded in the varScript variable:
function me(name, canvas) {
var fs = require('fs');
var img = new Buffer(canvas, encoding='base64');
fs.writeFile(name, img, function(err) {
// if(err) {
// document.write("<p>");
// document.write(err);
// document.write("</p>");
// } else {
// document.write("<p> The file was saved!</p>");
// }