I just created a C2 wiki at: http://wiki.goalorientedsolutions.com/doku.php
EDIT: After some more thinking, i think best if the wiki has very little overlap with infos included/posted at scirra.com.
Hence, best if I use the wiki to openly present and discuss C2 side project I am doing that could be of benefit to the C2 community in general. Perhaps, someone might find it useful, and even may want to contribute also. The result would be open source, for anyone to take, use, improve on, and hopefully, contribute back to.
While I am learning how to use C2 and am discussing ideas and contemplating helper projects, I plan to include useful information there. Unlike a forum, in a wiki everyone can add and change contents, and hence, I hope, this can become a humble community driven repository of continuously updated useful information. If successful, perhaps
Ashley and the folks at C2, might also be willing to look it over and contribute contents.
As a first mini project, I am contemplating to use C2 to develop a C2 project import "game" with which one can import parts of one project into another using a C2 built nodekit app. The humble design beginnings of it can be seen here:
http://wiki.goalorientedsolutions.com/d ... ni-project
and here:
http://wiki.goalorientedsolutions.com/d ... c2umlmodel