Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • In previous versions of c3 I had a bunch of Global layers. In the latest version these layers all now say 'overriden' next to them. What exactly does that mean? Shouldn't it say 'global'. I'm a bit confused.

  • Hi. My app has been out for a week but the ads are not shown. Everything seems to be configured correctly in c3 and Google admob, but alas, no ads are ever shown. Any ideas? Is this actually supposed to be working?

  • Hi all, I made a group on Facebook whereby devs can help other devs by reviewing their apps and games. In turn, other members will hopefully review yours. Stars for stars. You get the idea.

    I made it because I know that every little helps for us devs and it's something easy to do. I'm trying to grow the group so its more effective for everyone so please do join us and share with your other dev buddies to get them to join too.

    The link to the group is here:

    See you there!



  • Thank You

  • Oh okay. I never knew custom shaders were something I'd be able to create myself in C3. Is there a guide on this anywhere?

  • The mobile advert seems to be configured correctly and the ads shows fine in preview on PC however, when I create a debug APK build no ad is shown.

    Any ideas?


  • However, although the app successfully shows a test ad in the preview version on PC it fails to show anything on device. I guess this is another issue for another thread though..

  • They were already in the same (root) folder but when I moved them all into a new sub-folder together; the build process worked.


  • I just tried re-installing them but I still get the same error when I try to build. :(

  • Hi, I had a bunch of your plugins installed (the ironsource stuff) but then removed them because IronSource rejected my application for some reason.

    Now I'm only left with (of yours) Mobile Info(v2.0.1.2) and Mobile Review ( (Release 34)

  • Is anyone else seeing this error?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • First - Learn to draw. There are a zillion resources available. It takes a bit of practice but if you enjoy the subject matter you will learn faster.

    Second - use a decent art package to create the sprites. Don't use the C3 in built sprite editor for creating art.

    Ideally use an ipad or a drawing tablet/wacom cintiq for creating art.

  • Are you able to export your project to Android Debug APK?

  • Bump. I just read the new GIF tutorial and could transparency be the main benefit to using animated Gifs?

  • Game runs fine in test, but when I try an export (Android Cordova Debug APK) it fails. The log error shows the following:

    main.js:759 Error exporting: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')

    All the details are filled out correctly (I think) in the Mobile Export properties (Android ID, iOS ID,Spoof Location: Disabled, Show on STartup:True)

    NOTE: If I remove the Mobile Advert plugin the export works fine.

    Any ideas?
