Grimbarian's Forum Posts

  • Even though we are VERY early in development, I thought I'd post a thread about our upcoming game.

    T34: Steel Assault is an arcade RTS - very much in the style of Cannon Fodder rather than a traditional RTS, however players can still buy new tanks to control, and tanks gain experience as they complete missions - each level giving them a boost to their turret damage and range.

    It will take strong squad management and accurate tactical management to complete all 100+ planned missions.

    Anyway - that's the blurb... making this game in C2 we are targeting PC, Mac, Linux, OUYA, and tablet releases, and we have a very (VERY!) early gameplay test running at the link here: ... index.html

    It's based on the RTS demo that comes with C2, but with experience, individual health, ammo, etc across levels, and upgrades screen, tank purchasing, and more. Only 1 level complete at the moment (the second is just a repeat of the first), but it should give an idea of how the game will play.

    Would love to hear some feedback from fellow C2 users here. Below is some screenshots and an early video.

  • Some very early footage of an action RTS game I'm putting together in Construct 2.

    Initially based on the RTS sample project included with C2, now each tank has it's own experience ranking system. This increases it's turret range and damage.

    Gonna make a thread now about the game I think...

  • however I'm concerned with a few things I'm seeing so far.. the biggest one being that the mouse touchpad seems to overlap with the left analog x and y.. none of the four dpad buttons even registered (though left and right were fired off by the left and right analog joystick buttons.

    UPDATE: I never installed the android SDK on this machine so there is a chance that maybe I was using some kind of default windows driver might be part of the problem.. i know at one point (i'm on windows 8.1 now) that with Windows 8 the touchpad worked. now it doesn't. So that might reveal something

    I haven't been able to test yours yet as my Construct 2 comes through Steam - so I only have the latest stable build, not the most recent beta version.

    However in my OUYA game I had the DPad left and right buttons being detected as buttons themselves - so it was definitely registering them correctly for me. Seems like you may have something amiss there.

  • You're a star Caleb - I'll be checking this out tonight as soon as possible, thanks for going through this - and sharing your work and outcomes.

    Saw you on the OUYA dev hangout the other night too.

    Thanks again part12studios

  • Ok so I had some quiet time this morning and i'm not known for my patience.. so I went ahead and took a solid stab at adjusting the xbox version of the controller to the Ouya as best as I could.

    Sorry man - I was away with my family over the weekend and away with work on Monday - so had no time at all to even look at this.

    Thanks for your work on it though - will be checking it out as soon as I have time.

  • Superb work - been following this thread with great interest.

    Are you sharing the .capx for your fantastic efforts? Certainly would help any dev's on here that will be targeting OUYA releases.

  • That's awesome part12studios - top work!

    Are you sharing the .capx at all with your work? It would certainly help me and other dev's on here that are targeting the OUYA.

    Well done again! Looking forward to the full tutorial.

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  • part12studios - yeah, my joystick setting is on a 'digital' or on/off setup because I too didn't know how to correctly do it in a true analogue style for the OUYA (or at all in fact).

    I'll be following your thread with interest to see what comes out of it.

  • awesome, I'm not at home with my Ouya, but do you have this as a trial, paid up front or totally free? I'm SUPER interested in knowing how to get IAP stuff to work with Ouya of course.

    Mine is completely free - as far as I'm aware at the moment, there is no simple way to accept IAP with games made from Construct 2 on the OUYA, I may be wrong though.

  • part12studios - great work on the exposure, nice job.

    My game is here:

    and in the thread on here too: silent-star-blast-on-scirra-arcade_t108634

  • Quick update for those with an OUYA console - the game is now available on OUYA!

    Gotta say, submission process was nice and easy. Great communication - and this game went through on first submission!!

    You can push it to you're OUYA from here:

  • Hey arcgen

    I've just had my game accepted onto the OUYA store and it uses the normal gamepad object - works just fine too. When using the gamepad object on OUYA - the first (player1) gamepad is 0. So you can do local multiplayer using gamepad 0, 1, 2, 3 for players 1, 2, 3 & 4.

    I don't know about the Nvidia Shield - but for the GameStick I did read that one dev here created a game for it just fine - but that the player 1 gamepad had to be gamepad 1 - not 0 as is the standard.

    If you need any more help, just ask.

  • Congratulations! I can't wait to see a tutorial! I've been holding off on buying an Ouya because I wanted to make sure it was possible to port a Construct 2 game to it (without massive frustration).

    I'm most concerned with the Ouya gamepad controls. Was that difficult to work properly?

    I've been mucking about with Construct 2 and the OUYA since getting my KickStarter console a year ago, and the only problem with the controls I had come across (and fought to get fixed) was that the button presses would not detect properly. "On Button Pressed" would function as "Is Button Down" - and "On Button Released" didn't work at all.

    This has now been fixed using Ludei CocoonJS cloud compiler version 2.0.2.

    The only other thing you can't access through the gamepad is the "OUYA system menu" button, but I don't think that's too important.

    Other than that, the OUYA controller layout is very similar the XBox pad (which is the layout that the Construct 2 Gamepad plugin uses), so mapping the controller stuff is very, very easy.

    Sorry for the thread hijack there

  • I hadn't tried this on OUYA - but knowing it's come from Construct 2 I will tonight.

    As for the gamepad thing - Ludei have fixed this now as of last night. Compile in version 2.0.2 and button presses are detected properly - I tested my game on the OUYA last night and it worked perfectly.

    Would love to see the 'system' thing fixed though...

  • I'll be checking out the game tonight.

    Would love to see a tutorial on how you did it. I do know that Ludei (as of compiler 2.0.2) fixed the constant button press issue that was causing me a lot of grief.