Gregster's Forum Posts

  • I am trying to send a link to download my beta of my game and it says its not found.

    The link is this: ... reg.benson

    Am I missing someplace you have to go to turn this on? I have my working apk uploaded, its set to be in beta, but the link wont work? What am I missing?

    If you want to test the game send me your email in a PM and I will add you to the google test group.


  • I have updated my space ship shooter:

    Space to shoot, mouse or touch screen to move..

    If you have a touch screen you can use the button to shoot too. I need to change that image out.

    The good news ..

    1. I did add a couple new ships, and a new boss that sends out small drone defender ships.

    2. I am working on a couple new backgrounds, but I think only one made it into this release.

    3. The player ship will glow red when you are about to blow up.. only works if the shield is on.

    4. The player ship can now get 5x lasers. 3 lasers shoot straight, and two at angles.

    5. You can move your ship around the screen

    6... some of the bad guys will chase your ship .. so look out.

    7. you can now pick up coins, but the in game store for power ups will crash the game .. so don't try it yet.

    Google play integration is a real pain, but still working on leader boards and IAP. Thanks to you that are helping with this effort!

    Let me know what you think of the game!

    If you want free web hosting to put up a sample of your game send me a PM. I am going to make the site a place to list games in development and in production.


  • It was a little hard with dying on the first hit.. maybe make it a couple hits?

    Also have option for health bar next to the mana bars

    Otherwise pretty cool

  • BinaryPanda good idea. Does anyone have a link to the latest test capx with google play and or admob?


  • I read this part of the manual and it says that google play will only work in a browser ??

    So does that mean that we cant make a app that will use all the google play features?

  • Radulepy .. did you get ads working .. I can't so far.


    I guess I have to try posting a bug later today with detailed capx etc?

  • AndreasR .. thanks for the tip. I used the steps you posted, but with no luck.

    I even updated to construct 2 build 185. I can get all the way through the intel xdk build and that works. when I install this on the phone the phone tries to open the app, but it says that the app has stopped and it closes.

    any ideas?

  • BinaryPanda .. thanks for the advice. I tried that and when you copy the arm file to the device it loads, the construct loading icon completes, and then the phone says "unfortunately this app has stopped"

    Is this bug reportable? This same app works in:

    1. The play menu from construct 2

    2. The emulator in intel xdk

    3. The html 5 version when installed on a web site (

    4. On my device when I export using the old android method.

    Am I missing a step or required plugin for crosswalk android?


  • OK sure..

    I followed all steps. Built the game in construct 2 and exported as Android.

    Then in Intel Xdx followed the steps from here : ... onstruct-2

    then the app builds, and I email myself the arm version.

    The arm version installs, and when you open it the construct 2 loading image shows. this goes for about 10 seconds and then it says "unfortunately,[appname] has stopped."

    I dont think the constructed ad mob plugin is working

  • OK I saw the problem and fixed it.. The game should be on the screen now, let me now how it looks.

    space bar to shoot, mouse to move.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • mariogamer, thats cool. If you have time that would be good. I am still in dev so I am not in a rush.

  • Thanks rho.. thats strange its working here, but its small sized on my table too. Any ideas?

  • Wicked, I love it.. If you can add a scrolling screen behind that graphic it would be awesome.

    Would you be able to make me a splash screen.. see my work in progress link below. I can send you my ships.

    I can even pay you something by paypal.. PM me if your interested.

    Can you check out my work in progress:

    I want to see if it is useable on the web.


  • Radulepy

    Yes I used crosswalk for android and then used the ARM version. it loads and then quits..

    No Idea why. I have deleted all the test apps from my phone, deleted from intel, and reimported and it still wont work.

    In all cases it works in construct and in the emulator in intel xdk.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  • Here is my first Construct Game. It is a space shooter with a couple powerups.

    I have this working in android, but ads wont show.. that's a whole different issue.

    Use the mouse to move, and space to shoot. If you have a touch screen I would love to know if that works for movement.

    I need help on the splash screen, right now the game starts onload. You can access the pause menu with the strange icon in the upper left.

    You can cheat and use rockets early by pressing M. When I release the final version I will take that out.

    You can get these power ups:



    Triple Lasers


    Let me know what you think!

    If it dosnt work for you please let me know your OS, and browser.
