granpa's Forum Posts

  • You add image points in the image editor of construct classic , click on your image to bring it up and you will find it at the bottom of the left icon panel . After highlighting it a panel appears in the middle of the upper panel , just click the add button (appears as a +) and add as many as you want . You can position the points with mouse or numpad .

  • Just a thought , what if you compared the bullets angle and then added to a variable , according to the manual............AngleOfMotion

    Get the angle the bullet is currently moving at (which can be different to the object's angle), in degrees. This changes when the bullet bounces , might be worth a try ?

  • In your key down arrow event add two more conditions and invert both of them.....on key left arrow down and on key right arrow down , I was going to do so and save and re upload the cap but you must not be using construct r2 as I got a saved in an older version message. here is the link for the last latest release ... ecommended

    When you do your up animation make sure you do the same for it.

  • Old school Trig: Make invisible object and have it rotate every tick. Make actions for the orbiting object........set x to invisible object.x+(cos(invisible_object.angle)*100) and set y to invisible object.y + (sin(invisible_object.angle)*100) . You could replace the 100 with whatever distance you want or use variable's that change . This also works with spiraling orbits with a few additions to code . Tan is not relevant in this situation .

  • +System Every X seconds ->System Create object (bonus) at random(x),random(y)

  • This might work..........+system Pick overlapping point

    Pick all instances of a given object type that are overlapping a point in the layout. The given X and Y position in the layout will be tested against the instance's collision polygons.

    replace the x and y with the x and y of the image point of the sprite you want to check , i found it in the manual under system conditions .

  • The Image editor gets the least amount of attention and yet is so vital to the package in general , even an occasional update would be welcome .

  • Put the health bar on another layer and set its parallax scrolling to 0,0

  • Look up the platform behavior in the manual , you can turn off the controls and then simulate them with events .

  • Oh and if you restart your level make sure you set your global to its initial state or it will start off at it's last setting .

  • Sorry I was not more specific and actually you need two variable's. A object variable and a global.

    space key is down

    (subevent) object variable greater than 0--->subtract 1 from object variable

    (subevent) object variable =0------->spawn bullet

    ------->set object variable to global variable

    on collision between player and powerup---->destroy powerup

    ----> subtract from global variable

    ---->set object variable to global variable

    Play around with your initial settings , set your object and global variable's the same initially and subtract from your global an amount that gives you the speed increase that you want , remember 60 ticks per second or what ever your fps is. So if you start with 60 and then subtract 10 every time you hit a powerup your spawn rate will increase as per powerup's. You might want to clamp your global variable so as not to go below a certain number . Hope this will help and is more clear !

  • Objects rotate on their origin points , so make sure the hands on your clock have an origin point at its end , or close to it.

  • Use a global variable, Space is down , every (global variable) , do something , on collision with powerup , decrease global variable by what ever you want.

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  • Check out the custom movement behavior in the manual , it might be what you are looking for ?