Make a global variable call it delay and set it to the system expression time
Then compare time = global delay+3 Action lay Song1
> ScoreB = int(10.7) > Thanks granpa! Perfect.
> ScoreB = int(10.7)
Thanks granpa! Perfect.
You might also want to lookup Ceil , Round , and Floor
ceil(x) Round up x e.g. ceil(5.1) = 6
floor(x) Round down x e.g. floor(5.9) = 5
round(x) Round x to the nearest whole number e.g. round(5.6) = 6
Add the mouse plugin to your layout and then :
On object clicked
Triggered when a given mouse button is pressed while the mouse cursor is over an object. This can also be used to detect double-clicks on objects.
ScoreB = int(10.7)
From the manual :
By default, local variables reset to their initial value whenever entering their scope (usually every tick), like local variables in programming languages. If the variable is marked static in the Event Variable dialog it will persist its value permanently, like a global variable.
Nevertheless they all look nice , sad we have to worry about such minor details !
If you want to just knock them away , what about the custom movements reverse action ?
Inverts the movement by flipping the signs of dx and dy.
Maybe this might be close to what you want ?
I don't know if this will help , but might be close .
Gives a lot of ideas , nice plug-ins .
Give your player the Persist behavior .
Great work , very inspirational .
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Let me give you a response from a very honest place : I would never play a game that would require me to share it. It'd see behind this cheap trick and refuse to take part in it. A game has to captivate me, impress me, or have enough aesthetic qualities for me to want to share it with my friends. In other words : if it's good, I will share it anyway. My advice : make a good game. No need for cheap tricks.
Let me give you a response from a very honest place : I would never play a game that would require me to share it. It'd see behind this cheap trick and refuse to take part in it. A game has to captivate me, impress me, or have enough aesthetic qualities for me to want to share it with my friends. In other words : if it's good, I will share it anyway.
My advice : make a good game. No need for cheap tricks.
Could not agree more .
Do you know what a variable is ?
there are also many tutorials on variables
What if they chased him only while he was visible , then make him invisible when he is caught , then visible again after a time lag ?