grandalf's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • mm ok thx, ill try this as well....Yes, for now, ive simply just removed the playerbox as suggested in the tutorial and used just the player sprite and connected anims and keys/space to it and it works fine. it does say in the tutorial that, (Pages 4 + 5) ... ame/page-4 that one should use it though the playerbox, but as soon as i set it move with the playersprite as in the tutorial using the system tick interrupt event it would not move with a spacebar key setup to jump as well as above only the arrow keys would make it jump, really odd. Ill try the pin and see how i go as an option then.

  • Ive never used the tutorial before with anims, but i setup the platform demo, which basically gets you to put the player (sprite) in a playerbox so as to get it to work properly for anims etc amongst other things. Ive also setup spacebar as a simulated jump key. My problem is, is that if i enable the "Every tick->keep player(sprite) on playerbox" in event sheet, it disables the spacebar simulated key and also any other key that i might setup instead.?? but the arrow keys work fine reguardless as standard with construct for movement. As soon as i disable the keep player (sprite) on playerbox the space works again too...really odd.

    I only discovered this, because i could not understand why the anims was stopping etc at random and going into debiug i saw the playerbox, loosing the position of playersprite it was all over the place. Missed this in tutorial. So as above though, I cant understand why the keyboard is getting disabled when i enable keep player to box with the system tick.?

    I looked at the two other questions on this in forum but this really did not give me an answer?

    Im running windows 10 64bit v1607. Ive tested this using all browsers preview and also NW.js same problem. Im running Construct 2 release 243. 64bit.

    I guess im doing something wrong but i dont know what?

  • Yeah i also had this problem, i just removed all the files in the previously exported folder and exported again then all worked, yeah odd hope that works for some. win8 anyays.

  • Oops forgot to attach capx...

    note: I tried this one more time as well, and this time I removed all the files where the exported files would go, and then exported them again fresh and now it works. Maybe some weird win8 write problem, no idea. Ive since exported it multiple times and all works ok.

  • I was not sure where to put this, but I for some reason now

    that ive migrated to build 127, and if I export via webkit to

    windows.exe for the desktop, if i doubleclick the .exe now

    it spins the cursor but nothing else happens and stops.

    Im running windows8. I can preview the game in b127 and it runs as expected, but it seams only with b127 build it wont execute what it exported? not sure if anyone else had this problem.?

    Again prior to this build was ok.

    All ports as as they should be firewall ete, ive disabled everything to test including av programs, but nothing makes a difference, same ip address as well, and previews fine as above in any browser.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Exported the game via webkit export to windows .exe

    2. Cannot run the exe created with webkit export for windows8

    3. Spins mouse then stops in a few sec.

    Observed result:

    Would not execute the exe

    Expected result:

    Would run the .exe same as preview.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    windows 8

    Construct 2 version:


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  • Oh thanks, I never realised there was subfolder option, yes that will fix the problem great.

  • A quick suggestion for future builds of construct2, With the Events and Layouts, in the Layouts you can move them up and down to put them in whatever order you choose by dragging the mouse, but in the events you cant. This is a big problem because when you have a lot of rooms for example you need them in a particular order for reference purposes which might coincide with the or your layout lists above.

    One of my games for example has 37 rooms x8 levels of each, so its kinda huge, and trying to find your layouts can be like a needle in a haystack. Even if you could somehow make commenting in the event section like you have in the main editor and also make them say bold and possibly put a colour option on comments this way at least you can slipt events into groups. Or Alternatively, if we could put events into groups like again you have the main editor this would be brilliant. Again even for now, just putting in moving and dragging like you can with the layout section with the mouse to your order would be great.

  • Yes that did it. I thought it was the UID somehow but had no idea how to construct the code. My example below for anyone else who needs it well this is what I constructed worked for me after reading your link a simple move sprite instance(2) X+2 pixel scroll example.

    Sry I have not got a server for direct link as yet.


  • Ok try this..

    My Sprites ive added called poweroff and reset.

    Hand relates to mouse set cursor style hand.

    1) Mouse | Cursor is over poweroff | mouse | set cursor to hand

    2) System | else | Mouse | Set cursor from sprite "Your Sprite" Sprite

    3) Mouse | Cursor is over reset | mouse | set cursor to hand

    4) repeating step 3 for all other objects you need to select from.

    Note: Otherwise mouse is always set to your sprite anywhere else

    Which works in all browsers as well.

  • Im wanting to find a way to select sprites individually from another from 1 type of sprite. Eg: Say I have a sprite called "monster1".

    Now lets say, I want to have 5 instances of this down the screen.

    I could also have it in a family group where I could action something for all 5 monsters to do at once.

    What im wanting to do for example is, say the first monster sits at say x200,y200 and im wanting to do some thing to that sprite say only, change its frame or size for example or position and not effect all the other "Monster1" sprites down the page. I can do this with multiple code blocks of the same thing, specifying what is the nearest "Monster1' to the player sprite for example and if its only the same x,y-x,y postion etc, and importing 5 of the monster1 sprites on the screen labelled Monster 1 (1-5) so I know which is which And other variables, but usually I would just specify a number for each of the Monster1 sprites so I could just individually manover it or change it etc.

    Currently, I cant find a way to do this, again only with families but they don't have instance number of a single sprite set that I can choose from, only manipulating them all? Maybe ive missed something here? I read about sprite(id) but I don't think it fits this?

    Anyone done this before, Can it be done? Thx

  • Hey all, old skool game coder, and found construct 2 after searching for game creators on the net. loving it.

  • Ive finally found in the end, my problem was that its very important you must enable the 50000-50100 port access in the firewall of windows 8 so you can preview in web browsers ie in particular, but also chrome, mozilla etc for running of the local server otherwise yes you get the problem as I described above which was why I was not getting all things to work, basically it was stopping random things working. Now yip everything fixed woohoo. For anyone else, check the forums here there is a solution. I also googled for the answer and it came up.

  • Ok thx all, ill go and try it all again.

    I did find that the bullet after checking it again it did in fact work with win7 compatibility mode tho set just like the alien monsters movement etc my mistake oops. Also Ill check out the videos and examples.

  • Ive only just started using construct 2 and from what I can see, it does not seam to be windows 8 compatable as yet? Would i be correct?

    ie: Im trying to run though the examples for beginners tutorial and even early on, after putting in the aliens monsters and adding the bullet event for them which moves them in one direction, if i leave the program in win 8 mode, they dont move at all, but as soon as i right click the construct 2 icon and click change for compatability to win7 they move across the screen when i click play.

    Another thing, i found odd and may not be working so far in win 8, when you put in the spawn bullet from players ship event, it shows the bullet when mouse clicked but does not move anywhere? ive double checked the example numerous times and can fathom why its not moving, again is this just windows 8, this tho does not make any difference whether i use win7 compatablility or win8?

    I wonder if other people have had these problems. Im not sure what else may not work because of windows8? I also notice that on the download icons from construct 2 it shows, only upto windows7, and i cant find anything that shows it is written for windows8 at this time, however i have found some posts relating to windows8, but its more about people testing things etc seeing what works is construct still in dev win8?


  • 14 posts