GosuDesign's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Thanks for the feedback guys.

    The music and sound is sourced from sites that offer public domain and attribution content.

    The trees and grass are free for commercial use brushes I found on the net. The rest of the graphics are 100% made by me.

  • That's really strange. It's only happened to me once.

    I've uploaded so many different versions of the game it's possible some old/new files got mixed up and were causing issues.

    The next release should fix most of the issues.

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  • dcrew

    Yeah I've had that happen to me before. It doesn't happen that often so I forgot to add it to bugs list.

    I don't know how I am going to fix some of these bugs. They are hard to reproduce and I have no idea what is causing them.

    I have no idea why a solid object would all of a sudden let you drop through it.

  • Okay here is a simple project file. I tested it in 4 browsers. It does nothing in latest FF and Chrome. In Opera it only does half the actions and in IE it actually works.

    I updated to catalyst 11.11 and I'm running Windows 7 64bit.

    I found the problem. I'm running two 6850's in crossfire mode. I had a strange feeling it had something to do with that. Once I disabled crossfire mode it works as intended.

    Disabling crossfire only fixes it in FF. It is still Broken in Chrome and Opera.

    C2 sh*ts itself if you have it open when you enable/disable crossfire. I have to close it from task manager.

  • Here it is. My first game.

    <img src="http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3681/introscreen.jpg" border="0">

    At the moment it's only a very basic stage to test the core Gameplay mechanics. I'm going to wait for families before I get serious with the level design.

    Instructions are on the Menu Screen. Hold the USE key "E" to read the in-game signs. Music and sound volume can be changed from the Pause Menu.

    The game runs smoother with WebGL but I have to disable it until I fix my Issue with mouse over events.

    Supported Browsers



    -FF8 (slowest of the 3)

    Changes 1.1

    -Added Stage Timer

    -Fixed Volume Display

    -Changed Player collision polygon

    -Tweaked Gravity/Jump Strength

    -Fixed Bugs

    Changes 1.2

    -Fixed Pause

    -Improved Visuals

    Known Bugs/Issues

    -IE9 (sound volume doesn't adjust until played once)

    -Opera (Frame rate issues, Sounds are gibberish, Random Glitches)

    If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please leave a comment.

  • Greetings,

    My name is Julian and I'm from the land down under.

    I rediscovered Scirra about a week ago. A great Indie game "and yet it moves" inspired me to try my hand at making my own Game.

    At first I was looking at Torque 2d but wanted to start with something a little easier. I tried Construct Classic years ago and Liked it so c2 seemed like the perfect candidate.

    So here I am.

  • None of the Cursor is over object events are triggering with WebGL enabled. Is there a workaround for this problem?


    I guess you could make an invisible object follow the cursor location and detect the collision. That seems like a messy fix for something so simple. If that's the case I will just disable WebGL.

  • Have you looked at these threads?


    and This

    also This

  • Good Day everyone.

    I spent roughly 4 hours today wrecking my brain getting my game music to work. It seems Chrome and IE do not play too nicely with music files if they are ~3mb and larger. Some files they refuse to play entirely. Other times it will load sporadically once every 10-20 loads.

    I made a new blank project and tested several files. Then I tried using the exact same file encoded at lower and higher quality (change file size) to trigger the 3mb threshold.

    All files played fine in FF8 and Opera 11.52.

    I am not sure if this is a browser limitation or if it's just a bug. I thought I should post this in case someone else was experiencing this issue.

  • *Waits for Terraria clone made entirely in c2*

    Can't tell me you don't see it coming....

  • G'day,

    I played with the demo for about 15 minutes and found a bug. I'm running ATI 10.10 drivers so I doubt it's my PC.


    -Occasionally Megaman won't jump during/after screen scroll.


    -When previous glitch occurs it may also scroll the webpage.

    I am going to assume the same glitch will occur in IE. I will leave it to you to test that.

    As funny as it is seeing Megaman hurl lasers from his mouth I have to agree with Newt.

    I will be glad to test it again when you revise it.

  • G'day,

    I played your game and managed to finish it twice. It's pretty fun and good for a first game.

    The projectiles from the green ships seemed kind of random. I am not sure if this was intentional. I would get shot from way off screen or randomly from the bottom of the screen. Sometimes I would have 10-15 projectiles suddenly come from all angles.

    Some diagonal movement would be a great addition too.

    Out of curiosity did you watch the "How to Make an HTML5 Game" on Youtube by Ayzhong?

  • First, Nice job on the game. The only problem I found was with the explosions. The map and character would turn nearly invisible. I am guessing this was intentional but it's very disorientating.

    If you get this going in Firefox and tweak the explosions it should be perfect.

  • It's not bad but have you thought about increasing the ships speed/turn rate. It feels really sluggish compared to other asteroid games.

  • 14 posts