gluii's Forum Posts

  • hello, for my RPG game i am trying to make it so it appears the player is walking underneath a Bridge (which i got down), but when i for example get to higher ground by taking a latter up cliff to reach my bridge and walk across it the player is still going underneath the bridge.

    i would like to make it look like the player is walking across the bridge but still be able to make it look like they are underneath it when they are on lower ground.

    to be clear, im not saying i would like the player to be both underneath and on top the bridge at the same time.

    thank you(:

  • Hello, if anyone can help i would like to know how to make a building go see threw when i walk behind it.

    for my game its an open world and any buildings you go into you dont change layout or screen. when you walk into a building the outter skin of it (dike door,windows, outer color etc) disappears and you see the inside skin indead then everything outside turns black.

    i have gotten this part down. going inside

    but now with walking outside around the building again just want to be able to still see the player behind buildings cause they are skyscrapers and many of them and this is an RPG. if i didnt explain well just let me know and thank you. (:

  • Tracker is a variable I added to the Text Object.

    Once added you can create a new event. Create a Condition from the Text Object - compare instance variable

    Thank you i got that now. did i do it correct? i copied all you did but nothing happened. Was i suppose to do the textbox stuff on my own? i know how just, were do i make it fit into what you gave me?

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  • gluii

    If you are looking for something simple, my favorite way is to just use an instance variable. In this case I have a textbox which has a variable. Depending on what that variable is I change the text or move it off screen.

    thank you and sorry for late reply. i cant find the "set tracker" option or its not appearing. what do i do?

  • Thank you ^-^, I have tried Laura_D's tutorial but it was too hard for me to use and understand the JSON and AJAX stuff and all other blog and video tutorials aren't what I'm looking to do. There aren't many Dialogue System tutorials for some reason, but thanks very much.

    if you could, can you take a look at this 3:43 min video (at 3:10) and see what they did in their create event to make Dialogue? it looks simple enough for me to do and exactly what I need. I'm trying to copy it, but I don't understand what it's saying really, that would help.

  • How do a make a dialogue system were when i go up to objects or NPCs with more than 1 thing to say I can simply keep pressing a key "Z" for example, until I the last line of text. you know, just like in any other game.

    I'm able to get things to say 1 line of dialogue, but when i press Z i want them to say another thing but don't want to keep putting text objects on the screen.

    Example i wanna be able to do this-

    I walk up to an NPC or object and press "Z"...........

    NPC "hello player, are you looking for an item shop?"

    key pressed "Z"

    NPC "well you'll first need to go over the hill"

    key pressed "Z"

    NPC "then take a left by the river"

    key pressed "Z"

    NPC "Then you'll finally reach your destination"

    key pressed "Z"

    NPC "nice talking with you, be safe"
