gluii's Forum Posts

  • Here are some pictures of the result in my Google Drive link above:



    Standing on ugly stairs

    Standing near NPC levitating

    Quit the building by same doors

    Thank you, does this have the code for making the outer pic of the building stay invisible while inside then going back visible when walking out? Cause thats all i need now. I actually got walking inside and out and the outer pic of the building going invisible down. I just need help with the last part, walking "Behind The Building" and it goes non-solid & transparent. If your able to help with this I'd very much love it thanks.

    Oh and the link, peps have given me links to download like this before but I'm still not sure what it is let alone know how to use it. I just know it's their project that's all. How do I use your link above?

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  • Hello, can I check only the object that the player touches to make the invisibility of only the wall that the player touches. And then it turns out only as in the screenshot

    Thank you, though I have finished the part were I can make the outside pic of the building invisible when the player walks inside. But now I just need help with the last part. Making the building go non-solid and transparent when the player walks behind the building. If you may help with that I love that^^

  • gluii

    Try this:

    1) Set a boolean variable to "true" indicating when a building has been entered. This can be a global if you only have one building or if you have many buildings try with an instance variable for each one.

    2) Set up a condition checking for the value of that variable, if it is "true" then do what ever needs to be done to show the inside of a building. If it is "false" then you do what needs to be done to show the outside of the building.

    3) Set up a condition block to set the variable back to "false". This one should only work, when you are on top of the door AND you press the appropriate keys (maybe the up arrow?) AND the variable itself has a value of "true". That way you can be absolutely sure it will only be turned to "false" at the right time.

    What ever you choose to do, you might run into the problem of entering and exiting very quickly out of the building as long as your character is on top of the door. So you might need some additional conditions to make sure that the actions to enter/exit the building are not executed in rapid succession.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you, I actually got the walking inside and outside part down. I just need the last part, walking behind the building. I need the building solid and visible but non-solid and transparent when the player walks behind it. If ya know anything about that that would be great 👍

  • Hi. Sorry for the delay, my not Working Construct 3 notifications at their finest.

    Did you get your answer? If not, I will do something quickly with my screenshot from a few days ago with a shareable link with the feature you try to do.

    Maybe people here need more info about what you want, but I understood since the beginning what you want to do, don't worry ^^

    Yes It did and thank you for your help. I'm not sure if everyone got it but one person has helped me with a code that works. Now I'm working on the Boolean for the door, I don't think I'm doing it right. When I walk to the door the outside skin disappears correctly but only while I'm overlapping the door. I need the door to act like a button were when I pass by the door the outer skin disappears and stays that way until I overlap the door again then it'll go back. Do you know how i can do this?

  • For a couple objects in my project I have instance variables set as Booleans so I my have and Action playout. I am trying to get a Boolian to turn ON and stay ON until I turn it off. For example a simple button for a light but also a leaver to move platforms then when moving leaver back platforms stop, and or when the player walks threw a door the environment changes then when walking back threw it changes back.

    I mostly want the Door mechaniqe. 🚪 My goal is to get it were when player walks inside a door the outer skin disappears (which I got down) but says invisible until the player walks back out the door.

    Currently the outer skin disappears after I've walked away from the door shape and the outer skins returns will I'm inside the building and can't see.

    May I have help please? Thank you^

  • > We're you able to see my other reply to you?

    Looks like I missed it.

    > I'd like the transparency to happen when the player is about a quarter or so up the buildings length so it looks the the building is grounded on the floor.

    You can add additional conditions to the "Is overlapping" checks. For example, check that Player.BBoxBottom<=Building.BBoxBottom

    You can also pin an invisible sprite to each building with a slightly smaller collision mask than the building. And check for overlapping with that sprite.

    What does the "Player.BBoxBottom<=Building.BBoxBottom" look like in code, or is it an instance variable?

  • You can choose Open > File

    Then select the downloaded file to open

    Thanks for your help 😊

  • > Oh and is the Trigger in the Systems Action?

    Do not use Trigger Once when you have multiple buildings! This demo explains why:

    I see thank you. We're you able to see my other reply to you?

  • You can preview it in Construct 3.

    There is square-player with the bridge and water.

    Control the square with arrow keys.

    Check the event and adapt it to your games if you think it is what you need.

    Thank you, and I'm very sorry. I downloaded it, how do I open it in construct 3?

  • I didn't test it (not having time yet):

    Is it good for you with this?

    Instead of my tiled_wall_1, you will add instead the roof of your building to see through when inside.

    Thank you, but Do you mean when I walk Inside the building it will be transparent? That is not really what I need. I have it to were the frot picture of the building disappears/I visible when I go inside, that I don't need help on. It is when I'm outside the building and walk behind it I would like it to become see threw or transparent. Sorry if I did not understand you right.

  • Did you try when the building is overlapping the player change building opacity with trigger once?

    I have tried the overlapping thing to change the opacity but what will that do to make my player walk behind building? I would like my player to walk in front & behind but when behind the building goes transparent.

    Oh and is the Trigger in the Systems Action?

  • > Did you try when the building is overlapping the player change building opacity with trigger once?

    I don't recommend using "trigger once" here! It won't work correctly with multiple instances.

    Here is a very simple implementation:

    > + System: Every tick
    -> Building: Set opacity to 100
    ----+ Player: Is overlapping Building
    -----> Building: Set opacity to 20

    Thank you this seems to work well. Though my building is going transparent correctly it is doing so when my player overlaps from the bottom of the building and I wish not to have that. I'd like the transparency to happen when the player is about a quarter or so up the buildings length so it looks the the building is grounded on the floor. Otherwise when it happens it looks like it is floating above the player.

    I was thinking about editing the buildings Collition Polygons but idk how to do that without messing up how the player moves when they're inside the building.

    The aim is the player can go I side building but not walk outside when touching walls/ceiling and when outside a quarter above were the building's grounded can walk behind it.

    But thank you, i got the transparency down 😊. And Sorry I know it's complicated.

  • Once I download and open it what must I do from there? Or is that all to do?

  • Thank you, I apologize for my ignorance I'm still new here. With this what do I do? Is this something I paste into a file within my game or import? I'm not sure how ta use it

  • hi, i understand when using Construct on our phones we cannot tap and hold to move event blocks up and down nor tap one of our sprites to drag & drop it onto our layout but how else are we to do so if at all? if i am not able to do this on my phone there is not much else i can do with my project until i get home which feels like it defeats the purpose of it being mobile. This one limitation hinders me from doing the rest of what i need to do.

    is there any way else to drag our sprites to the layout on the Phone Version?
