GizmoSP's Forum Posts

  • This might be quite silly to most of you, but I've tried everything to fix this and it just doesn't work. I want the laser to spawn at image point 1 for the collision box when I release the spacebar, but the laser just straight up doesn't spawn. The laser's set to be initially visible and everything, but I really need help on this after trying nearly everything. Do any of ya'll know how to fix this? Please let me know.

  • Hi, I am making a racing game in Construct 3 where you can jump. It's from a platformer camera perspective and I was wondering how I could make the car move while it's jumping, similar to jumping in Rocket League. I am using the platformer and physics behavior on the sprite. Any help?

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  • This is an old Construct 2 forum and you're using Construct 3. File issues here instead:

    Note you need to follow the bug report guidelines for it to be possible for anyone to help you.


  • When I open the Construct 3 editor, it says I'm not signed in, so I try to sign in but it says there is no wifi even though my wifi meter is maxed. Please help!

  • It's in ePlayer the Player Hurt function at line 38 and specifically the vector actions from platform behaviour, vector X pushes the player in a certain direction and vector Y is the jump.

    Thanks! :)

  • Hi! I am making a platform game and when the player gets hit, he will bounce backward. I looked through the code for KiwiStory but couldn't find how Kiwi jumps backward.

    Can you help me?