Gillis's Forum Posts

  • While you will see large portions of the level destroyed I have added a bedrock layer so that the whole level wont be empty... This almost makes it like there are 2 levels in every level. I'm pretty happy with the dynamic parity it creates

  • Making progress on the combat. (Underwater combat if it looks slow)

  • Great job! Thanks for sharing. I like the audio design and graphics!! It really felt immersive watching it.

  • Drawing TONS of animations for the procedural enemies (Just the lower part for now, then i move to mid and upper)- 10 more sets to go...

  • Salman_Shh Thanks. I will check it out. I actually saw your C3 IDE code snippet on Twitter from a post you did on Feb-25

  • Collectable Music tracks will be hidden throughout the world to offer variety to the Layered / Situational Audio. I made a tiny little player to help you control audio while you play XYLITH. Pretty happy with this experiment..

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    Adde a terminal to get lots of info in game.


  • Salman_Shh I saw your code snippet of squishy damage on Twitter and decided to give it a try. Pretty happy with that technique. Thanks for sharing:

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  • Working on some Procedural City lighting.Zone filtering, and City tilesets/turrets in general. Some have a bit of flicker.

  • Finished my 7th tileset for my procedural game I am making called Lith. Pretty happy with most of them. Now to move on to building tilesets.

    I put them all together in one shot so you can see them

    tileset blending... for more combinations of biomes

  • Thanks!


  • Got the Appearance Store Items added

    If you want to see a world map you can find a town (Unfortunately this one is covered in alien plague so its hard to see)

    Adding new tilesets.... 14 sets to go :/

  • Thank you.

  • Had some time to burn so I put this together if you're still interested - ... r.c3p?dl=0

    Load a csv or json file from local drive to import into a C3 array, and you can export again to json or csv.

    Basically does what rex's plugin does, without needing the plugin.

    It only works with 2 dimensional arrays though.

    This saved the day in a big way!!! Thanks

  • You should use instance variables for each zombie. You can set several sets of coordinates to create 'instance unique' pathing. Couple that with instance style behavior modifiers and you can get cool swarm effets. Not everything is fitting in the image but this will give you the clue you need.

    Here is a high level Heuristic:

    • Create 3 sets of XY Coord pairs (Instance variables) for zombies.
    • Create Instance variable for Mode.
    • Check distance to player to toggle mode.
    • If patrol mode Every X amount of second set 3 random locations nearby the and loop through them as goals to create a patrol effect.

    White Larva "Plaguecyst" are using instance specific patrols and distance measuring similar to what you are thinking.

    If you want your random patrol points to be in a circle you can limit their spawn location by using Pi:

    Similar to this:

    x = (cos(step*3.14159*2))*44+ Sprite2.x

    y = (sin(step*3.14159*2))*44 + Sprite2.y

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  • In C3's Json "Array" editor how do I enable more than 1000 rows? I specifically need 7001 to modify mission sets. Could I maybe request a feature? Since the json is 0 based and the line limit is not slicing up the file into 7 is not feasible either. Meaning with the desired headings I'm only getting 999 rows per JSON... That makes things difficult. At the very least I am hoping to bump the limit to 1001?

    I have submitted the following feature request but perhaps there is workaround so I wanted to ask.

    C3-I-767 <-