Gillis's Forum Posts

  • i have been able to successfully measure the closest distance to non similar objects.. can anyone point me on the right path to find the nearest similar object's distance?

    For instance you have 5 eggs randomly on the screen and you want to have an instance variable for each egg that is aware of the nearest other egg. How could I do that?

    distance does not play nice with 'this.x,this.y" In my example CAPX it always chooses itself as the closest.

    Heuristic that worked for non-similar objects

    Not working: (SEE CAPX)

  • Got it working better (3 terrain types with no slow down). I used R0J0hound's suggestion of using separate tile maps. Adding the logic for the transitions was straight forward that way... now to figure out how to do bitwise gamma shading based of depth of tile from edge...

    My first attempts used too much processing... the problem with that is you can't interact with an individual tile "gamma" level :*

    thanks guys.

  • I went with the multiple tileset option. I am very pleased. thanks guys

  • Gillis, are you wanting the two terrain types to mesh, or just live in the same space?

    Hey Mudmask. I think mesh would be the right term. I finally added images in my last post. they are not final. just filler for now but illustrate the problem.

    Thanks guys.

  • Thanks R0J0. That makes a lot of sense. Adding the offset at the onset of the calc was what i was missing. I will work on this tonight and share my progress:

    with the tiles i have it seems like the two tile set option is my best bet... however... later in game design having to interact with the existence of two tiles occupying the same space is not an exciting prospect to me.

    Here's where im at:

  • Thanks All.

    I was actually using R0J0hounds example as a starting point. That example is 4-bit with only one terrain type "BlueRock" I want to be able to blend a second rock type with the first and keep it "bitwise" So I know I have to add another bit like:

    0 1 0

    2 16 4

    0 8 0

    Notice the 16 allows me to check for multiple types and jump to the next set of 0-15 tiles... I'm onto the concept but an having a heck of a time incorporating it into a working model.

    I'll let you guys know when i get it.

    Thanks all!!


  • Using the many examples on this forum I was able to understand how to create bitwise tile maps, but can someone provide an example capx of how to use one that is 4-bit + 1 bit (5-bit) that I can have smooth transition tiles between two terrain types?

    I've been struggling to get it working.

    Good info in this thread:

    This one too: (last paragraph is vague)

    Thanks all,


  • Russpuppy. Congrats. I will drop a vote.

  • Very cool design idea. I like it.

    I have donated to your project. Good luck.

  • Does anyone know if C2 v187 node-webkit exported projects support WebGL in all versions of Windows now?

  • Thank you.

  • thank you

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  • no problem, and thank you.