Gillis's Forum Posts

  • 6000 Sounds about spot on. What pushed me over the edge was offering my game free on Desura for one day and getting a reddit chain going. I had 20,000 visitors on desura that day! Carefully link to the Desura Game and the Greenlight Page in large lettering if you plan on doing this. If I would have let that campaign run for 48 hours I think I could have gotten all the votes I would have needed in two days. Good luck!! Really love your game.

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  • I was greenlit

  • Thanks for the votes all. I am greenlit!!!

  • Has anyone worked with the greenworks that could give a quick "for dummies" explanation of implementing achievements in a Node-Webkit C2 project?

  • Thanks! Luna will be free to download on Desura 10/10/14.

    As for Groupees just send them an email inquiry on their site. They are great to work with.

  • It might not be exactly what you are looking for but what I normally do prior to importing images:

    Note: This requires Photoshop.

    Hide flatten and hide layers until you have just the element \animation showing in Photoshop that you want to crop.

    Navigate to Edit -> Trim

    This will Trim just the truly transparent pixels as efficiently as possible

    File -> Save For Web -> PNG -> Ensure transparency is checked

    Save it.

    Then Undo in PS until you get back to desired state and repeat for the next animation/layer.

    This works good from Spriter too when you are wiring up body parts.....


  • That was a lot of fun to play. Congrats!

    That Checkout widget you used... does that automated installer delivery too? I'm curious how you achieved that or if it's just a Paypal Widget?

  • Thank you.

  • The game listed today on Desura for $4.99. Can you add a link? I think I am in indieGala the week of the 8th. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> We'll see what happens.

  • Tetriser Thank you. I should be on Desura sooon. They are reviewing my installer now. BTW resource hacker is good to change the exe icon and innosetup rocks for making deployment packages.

  • Very nice list. I will make sure and upvote all of these. We need to make a special 'Upvote Day' or something on C2 forums so we can mutually support each other. ;-P The more C2 games that make it the better for everyone.

  • Thanks All! I am most likely going to be in IndieGala in August via Desura... so wish me luck!


  • Great tut Arima. Faved

  • Kudos for digging to find the answer. You have the right mindset. It is good to learn 'For each' I wont say since others have covered it but the good news is that for each is a universal programming concept that you can read about in lots of books too or even watch on youtube. The basic concept is that you are iterating through a group of similar objects to 'do something to' or 'glean something from' them all. Perhaps increment a local variable, test their X position etc.

  • This is an interesting discussion. It really should come down to your target platform. If you only want mobile then try to spec a format that works well in that resolution. Somewhere floating around this forum someone posted an infographic on native resolutions for all major cell phones. Drat.. I cant seem to find it. Interestingly I started working on my game assests so long ago that 800x600 was my target resolution.... no one uses that anymore. Try to factor in the future too @ Are you going to be using a grid / tile-set design? If so you might want to ensure the tile size is divisible by the resolution to a whole number. Some topdown shooters use a longer Y axis than X axis if I remember right.

    Sorry I'm not much help but maybe there are some good ideas to get you thinking.