DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Can one construct game 'launch' another game? If so that would be a relatively simple way to handle the starting point. If not, then how can we break up the files so independent maps (think levels) can be worked on by students simultaneously.

    I think Construct allows to import a project file structure and event sheet inside another project but im not sure how is done.

    But,i did find this post by Ashley explaining how a team could work on the same project in the same time using a SVN.


    Not sure if that is what you are looking for, or is something you where not aware of.

    But basically the above link, is hosting a main project on a github like place (or in this case a SVN based on the tutorial above), and then everybody can edit files and commit changes, and the main file is updated.

    While the above tutorial is for Construct 2 i think should work for Construct 3 also.

    Hope it helps.

  • FYI Construct automatically adds a 1px transparent border around all sprites on a spritesheet. The crop tool by default adds another 1px transparent border.

    Can we have a optional tick feature for that extra 1px added by cropping by default? in my own projects i always have to adjust/reimport the size eliminate the extra transparent space cause of it(not a big problem, but it's getting annoying especially when u got like a 60 frame animation and the crop messes up each frame by a random of 0.25px 0.5px from its origin point), everytime i click crop. I never had a issue not having the extra space, i only used the crop to eliminate transparent space so i can better center things inside the image container, and adding an extra round 1px for me caused animation displacements as the center point won't be the same anymore for all the sprites that originally had the same center point like a Sphere object or a Rectangle shape it always messes up the origin by .5 and not the same repositioning .5 difference some would have .5 some would have 1.5 so i always go back to photoshop make sure im pixel perfect on export than reimport the images in construct without using Crop cause of this, this seems to be the same autocorrect introduced in Construct 2 also, and i was thinking is a glitch, the old way with NO EXTRA 1px was better.

    Sorry for hijacking the main post to address this.

  • i took a look at it, but i only managed to experience the glitch on match 8, however, i can't seem to see where the problem is (inside your event sheets) but that was a code based glitch not a Construct glitch, based on how the item disappeared (which basically on contact with the pad moved behind it and continued it's movement at the ricoche angle), a engine glitch won't do that from my construct experience, it might be that there was a delay in construct event system reading, cause of all those

    set engine scale speed 0


    wait 1 2 3 6 seconds


    every 0.5 seconds detect collisions

    , and it is possible that momentarily a collision detection was delayed and when it came back to normal game scale speed the ball was inside the pad, and was pushed out by the solid/bullet behavior. which seems to be the more plausible issue here, that also is a event system code based glitch.

    To prevent it you need to clean your code, and try removing any delay and waits in your code. especially u need to stop using scale speed of the game engine where is not needed or to pause the game. that expression scale speed engine you are using is a very dangerous expression if missed used (can cause havoc inside a fast passe gameplay), especially when you have a fairly medium size game where you have a AI movement behavior like you do. a good replacement for the scale speed u can do a boolean or a global number 1 to be as game on 0 be game off.

    i mainly use the scale speed of engine for slow motion effects but nothing outside that, and not in the same time as calculating collisions or saving data.

    hope it helps.

  • For a game made and exported in Construct this would make sense if you don't know how to make such a editor for your game using Construct event system, and here we are talking new entry Construct users.

    So for that reason i'd say some new Construct users might want this type of thing, but for an moderate/advance user of Construct this makes no sense, since we can code a level editor in the game using Construct(and some custom plugins/behaviors as dop mentioned) and have way more freedom to the objects than the features you listed.

    To me it seems you have a pretty good sketch of what you want the template/features to be, and is a matter of doing it and put it out there, and see how people receives it.

    From what i can foresee is that it will have some use for some people.

    Hope it makes sense what my input was and helps you pin down the issues (pros/cons).

  • u can try with if mouse is over block/position set object to mouse position.

    i think the mouse plugin has a hover u can use that, over the grid object if it's made out of object blocks, like sprites.

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  • you can create other particles when shuriken is at same X position as the particle generator or in near vicinity.

    the particle object as lukew said i don't think has individual capabilities, even though i kinda remember something about it being worked on, not sure if was implemented already (i don't use the particle object that often ... very rarely).

    but you can create your own custom particle generator using a every 0.05 seconds condition and create a sprite action using the event sheet.

  • here you go mate :D try-this.c3p i actually i think solved this in last capx, i sent ... i just fixed it later on, you just need to redownload. but the capx that is linked here is basically that same thing.

  • ah that is cause of the local variables we used which are probably changing cause you change the layout size?

    You can redownload it, i patched it for you, and included a overlap creation fault system. So in case you create two blocks on top of each other, we pick the top overlapping one and destroy it.

    The local variables can be put as globals if you want to modify them from any event sheet.

    Just move them above the group.

    find.middle.multiple.instances-container.c3p Patched

    Hope it's gonna work now.

    Edited: Even though i think it still won't work, cause the localvariables need to update based on container position and blocks so the camera can always follow the blocks inside the container.

    Edited2: i patched it again, now the camera follows the position of the container + blocks+ grid. so you will have to keep the container invisible not destroy it after creation of ship. You can redownload from the same link.

    Edit3: made a few more modifications, now you can move the container with arrow keys, however it will eat up a lot of cpu when all objects move, so you might want to destroy the gridBlock_container once the ship was created. so you reduce the amount of items keeping track of the position of the container, therefore lowering the cpu usage.

    you can rerun the grid build up when u enter the editor mode, instead of start of layout you move the grid creation when you have a condition like, editor is enabled Trigger Once.

  • I don't think the parallax speed has anything to do with the size, the Z position does however, as its further from the camera or at -zN it's size will be smaller, but i think that is already taken care off by Construct.

    As for how the math's work i have no clue but is basically the math's from isometric projection for the Z order part. the parallax is just moving left or right at a different speed than the camera against or with the camera direction.

    Hope that's what you meant.

  • the bbcode is basically a inline style added to the object in html5 would look something like this

    <div id="sprite" style="background:#000000;"></div>

    where style=""background:#000000" would be your bbcode.

    the inline style is not really recommended for websites as they might interfere with the style.css and cause styles to overlap or display wrong or throwing errors that might affect the loading time, but for games made in Construct shouldn't create resource issues, or css style issues since there is no style attached to the objects you give that bbcode by default, and if there is Construct probably has some script that replaces the existing style by default with the one you input using bbcode, so it's pretty much harmless. - well Ashley answered this one, seems is not working as i was thinking.

    as for the space inside bbcode to expand the area im not sure what you mean.

    If you are exporting for html5 you can open the index.html inside the zip folder you get, and inside the header of the index.html you can add this

    body {background:#000000;}</style>

    and if you want to have a background image you change it to

    body {background: url('image.jpg'); background-size:cover;}
  • when you create the hitbox immediately after the action that is

    "create hitbox at XY layer 0" or if you use

    "object.Spawn object at imagepoint 0"

    under it you can add the following action set hitbox size : width = hitbox.width + random(10,-10) Height = hitbox.height + random(10,-10)

    that will make all the hitbox created have different size, you can change the 10 , -10 to whatever value you want.

    that way you create either rectangles or squares but if you want to keep the aspect ratio of the hitbox in case u want all to have a square look or initial size, but only like make them smaller or bigger without warping the initial shape u use hitbox.set scale to random(0.8,1) where 0.8 is 80% of the initial size and 1 is 100%.

    and random(n1,n2) picks a random value between those numbers.

    the same way if you have different animations for hitboxes, you change the animation by adding another action under like

    hitbox.setanimation to choose("animation1","animation2","animation3") but you have to have those animations inside the sprite object hitbox.

    if you want to change the frame in case you have only different frames, like different shapes stars, circles, squares etc. u use

    hitbox.setanimationframe to floor(random(0,hitbox.animationframecount-1))

    for the animation frame change you need to disable or set the animation speed that contains those frames to 0 so they don't change after u set them.

    where hitbox.animationframecount is the total number of frames you have inside that animation for the hitbox, but construct counts from 0 and hitbox.animationframecount counts from 1 so you have to subtract 1 in order to get the right total frames count based on Construct's counting system.

  • I modified Kyatric's capx (which is amazing), to spawn the blocks inside a container at mouse position, and rearrange them in case they go outside border.

    download find.middle.multiple.instances-container.c3p + grid_spawn - C3/R139 required to open the file.

    i added an extra mode for you, in case you wanted a grid lock spawn.

  • I don't know how you doing the creation of the ship but i would create it at a invisible sprite position and use that invisible sprite to center items around it so that the center of the ship will always be that invisible sprite.

    then u can scroll the screen to it or the yellow block but you need to have enough layout size. if the layout is the same size as the viewport size then there won't be nothing to scroll.

  • I'm not sure if this is to be posted here or is there a effect conversion topic?

    Finished porting the Glsl Sphere effect from ChrisBrobs to C3, tested it successfully on NW.js export using the latest Chrome version (c3_runtime export).

    I DID NOT TESTED it on mozzila or other browsers, but once i do il update the version description.

    You can get it from the C3 addon page or clicking the link here Glsl Sphere

    This is useful for those that are looking to create a 3D sphere rolling, using Construct.

    Ex: 3D planet spinning, or a top down view of a 3D 8 pool game.

    The Glsl Sphere version i ported is the one with RotSpeed, X Rotation Flag, Y Rotation Flag, z Rotation Flag.

    I did not ported the one with Roll parameters from Gigatron (because of the zoom parameter messing up in C3).

    To properly work, you need a texture inside a frame of a sprite object with the size of 512px width by 256px height or similar aspect ratio.

    Have fun.

  • Added 32 Weapons (3 types),32 armors, 40+ heads/helmets. water pumps, repairable turrets,destroyable terrain, persistence between zones, herringbone and perlin noise blend of modularity, endless levels tested out to 70000 so far, creeping alien growth, portals, earth-day events. more to come. Procedural item shops coming soon.

    damn that sounds good, but are the 70k levels procedural generated? or are you reusing a surtain amount of levels?

    amazing stats progress :D