DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • And GeorgeZaharia what you say works, but i am still not getting a popup when it comes to the IG "share" , IG show add and everything else works, facebook login works.

    Well if you are using the facebook login api and your app is working on messenger app, then u are using both facebook api and IG api, and the share action ... on my solution would be actually facebook share wall post. which has nothing to do with IG. Sorry about that.

    Also, can we see a c3p file on what your setup is looking like, we might actually all have solutions for this problem, just maybe we confuse each other lol? the facebook/ig part if you can isolate it.

  • No, that is not possible and also not allowed by Facebook.

    You sure? cause my app has both apis running in same time and works just fine, i don't use the facebook api functionalities inside the game, but my dev.face.dashboard is detecting the implementation, so if i want to go and create a wall post function inside the game i can do that, since is linked. (Also both apis in same game was vetted by facebook approval system.), now im a bit confused, on what you mean that is not possible, care to explain in more detail? i might of thinking on something else.

    This is how my app is setup, IG object in the facebook dashboard, ig plugin in the C3 project. make app available for desktop in facebook dashboard and facebook gaming platform and whatever possible visibility facebook offers, then use facebook plugin and link it with the secrets and key provided. submit all to review with all data added properly in the review process and it should be live. All you have to do at that point is implement inside ur c3 game/app a action to wall prompt on facebook (this should be present before facebook review). That is what i did without the action i might actually update the game just for the sake of testing this, even though im not sure if the new version will have to go again trough a approval process(which might take a long time or not).

  • And THAT was helpful, that was my question, first you said it will not work, but now i understand you. IG can share, and that is exactly my problem, i cannot get it to work, while show ads etc works.So i am asking people for an example or some help, not the difference between 2 sdk's

    Hi there, wanted to point out the obvious here, while the difference of the API's already seem to be acknowledged there is a put in practice solution needed, but as Ashley answered: You can't call a wall prompt post from IG.

    But you can use facebook api or the Construct facebook plugin and IG together in your game, and have facebook plugin when a button is clicked to wall post something to user profile, and IG do his gaming platform thing(which isn't much that C2IG API does outside a leaderboard call, some profile info, and a few share/invite to app of friends chatbot, ads, and kinda that is it, you should look at the Instant Games plugin description in the manual to see what features are available and not.)

    For how to integrate the facebook API an correctly access data and post things please check this tutorial made by Tom a long time ago, it still applies today, with a few changes but the process should be the same to have your app connected to facebook api.

    There is also a youtube tutorial that explains in detail the same process and also explains how to wall prompt with and without permissions.

    Construct make a facebook game

    Now i know the examples i sent, are for Construct 2, but you will find out that Construct 2 and 3 are very similar, in fact they are so similar that personally i stopped talking about versions and i just call it Construct.

    So if you don't find your answer in a Construct 3 thread section, chances are you will find it in a Construct 2 section, that is if Construct 2 has the same plugin, behavior or object.

    In this case Construct 2 doesn't have IG plugin, but it has the facebook plugin with the feature you need, so i hope it helps you out, have fun.

    (TomHi there, i know there are C3 tutorials probably more updated and better suited for this case, but since the tutorial section doesn't have a search field anymore is hard to identify what we need, maybe add the old google search for tutorial section like C2 tutorial section had? that is if it's still a possibility today. Worked very nicely for years.)

  • what is C2.5? you mean works in C3 under c2runtime?

    Amazing listing hehe! is just we need a ported list pinned on the construct forum. so we don't post 1000 different websites and google sheets all over the web.

  • you should do a function structure and a bit more conditional then that.

    here is a example creature-spawn

    Also your title is not matching your question, is weird... please take your time and change it, so community members can answer about the correct issue you have.

    you are asking how to spawn a object every 5 seconds with 1 second apart from each other while title is saying "how do i export my game" xD confusing, is like opening a kinder egg.

    As for explaining why your code doesn't work, if you notice you are running a every 1 second loop under 1 time trigger? they don't go like that, you can't really run a loop with a wait in between under 1 time trigger cause the 1 time trigger only lasts 1 tick. where 1 second is 60 ticks or more in a second.

  • garbage questions

    Edited: silly me, i just noticed the update nodes...

    im running on 130 ms latency which is pretty good, considering this is a dummy server probably with not much of power behind it.

    awesome stuff, that is a nice flow-diagram ^_^

  • Yes, the icons have default sizes already made, you have to convert your desired images to those sizes, or import a 512x512 image and convert it to the default size in the icon folder, for the icon /favicon u need a 32x32 and a 16x16 image.

    Dev, is painful lol ... im stuck at a webgl effect which is like 50% gameplay visual effect of the project im working on.

  • you can use cheat engine and find the variables, then use js to alter them in real time on your server, if you have the core engine or run a script over the game itself, like lets say you embed the game on your website but you want to be able to read the score inside the game and alter it call a trigger on player death etc.

    however this is not recommended unless you have the consent of the game developer.

  • here is a tutorial load image from url

    you need a hosting server (webhosting for websites or any server that allows you to access content online) that allows you to fetch the data from there, otherwise won't work.

    1 - You must use a hosting server with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:" permission (to use images on other sites). Otherwise the image will not load (show).

  • in the project file in the right side you should have a icon folder, and inside the icon folder there will be icons, you need to replace them accordingly to their initial size, the loading-logo can be anything you want as size.

    for C2 the icons are inside the file folder.

    1. Plugin: UID to Properties (Rex_UID2Prop)
    2. Behavior: Cooldown (Rex_Cooldown)
    3. Behavior: Drag & Drop 2 (Rex_DragDrop2)
    4. Behavior: EaseTween (lunarray_Tween)

    here is a organized list of what was ported and not

    ported- rex plugins

    for the 1st 2 in C3 there are C3 official plugins. You have a timer now (that you can use as a cooldown), you have a object familly instance uid/iid picker or expression, and not sure about the drag & drop rex plugin, but you could replace it with 2 conditions and 4 global variables, or if you fancy 2 functions and an array.

    And for the easetween i think there is a tween C3 plugin.

    But the above list will soon be ported entirely as more and more community developers are porting all the most used C2 plugins to C3, where is the case and makes sense.

    Also porting a plugin from C2 to C3 really is just copy pasting and changing the ACE entries from being c2_this to C3_this (i might off over simplified it a bit, but that is kinda what it is +- the number of code lines depending on the plugin, is not hard to do it (that if is not some weird custom plugin), is just tedious and time consuming).

    Hope it helps!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What plugins are you using for c2? it might be that they are already converted to c3 by the community plugin developers.

  • jobel yes the paster plugin might help better, but not sure if is available in C3? if it is i think the tutorials for skew will help.

    sorry again, il try play around with it maybe i find some solution.

    anyway, if you somehow don't need all angles i just fixed 4 angles (0,90,270,180)

    but any other angle requires as i said 3d type of calculus and trigonometry. Even with paster that calculation for skew i think is still going to be needed.

    here is my 4 angle solution distort_sprite-Elipse

    Edited: modified the trajectory formula a bit, for me the loopindex thing doesn't work on C3, so i found a replacement for it...

    modified trajectory formula.

    create dot at qarp(a.x,(a.x+b.x)/2,b.x,(loopindex+1)/11), qarp(A.y, (A.y+B.y)/2-abs(A.x-B.x)/4, B.y, (loopindex+1)/11)

  • Hey, sorry mate, i tried looking at the cap file, i realized i know how to do cos rotation and stuff... but then what you are saying is perspective distortion, and that has stuff to do with qarp and lerp.

    i know rexrainbow or r0j0 had some formula for a dynamic trajectory that would do a bend like you need...

    if it helps here is the dynamic trajectory formula

    Repeat 10 times

    —- create dot at lerp(A.x, B.x, (loopindex+1)/11), qarp(A.y, (A.y+B.y)/2-abs(A.x-B.x)/4, B.y, (loopindex+1)/11)

    this works for 2 points A and B and it creates a dynamic trajectory... but im not sure how to use it for size distortion in your case... im not really good at stereoscopic projections, or fake 3d ... im actually curious about this result myself il keep playing with it... but is angle based calculus and trigonometry.

  • same problem, as before, try get shareable link and set permission, anyone with link can view.

    Edited: works now!