GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • You shouldn't be exporting as html. Rather choose the Android export, and put all of those exported files into the www folder of your XDK project. Also be sure to check on things in the emulator before you upload and build. If nothing shows there, you're missing some files.

  • I haven't tested this with Kongregate or anything other than Dropbox, but in my experience, you don't need to trick the browser in any way to force a re-download, just increase the version number in the project settings each time you export a new version.

  • Tokinsom, I had the same issue as you, and after applying some helpful advice from some forumites, this is how I handle multiple gamepads and/or keyboard input in my game. Everything is assigned dynamically before this, and then to read the controls, I simply loop through each player (the PlayerBlocks family in my case), check their ControllerNumber variable against the gamepad number, and take it from there. In my case, "Gamepad 10" is considered to be the keyboard.


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  • Oh, IntelRobert, when you say "request landscape mode in C2", do you mean as an action under the browser object (on start of layout), or in the properties setting for the project itself?

  • I covered this in my (now pretty old and probably outdated) tower defence tutorial. The exact thing you're looking for is on page 2.

  • Brilliant, thanks IntelRobert! Looking forward to fixing that and seeing it in action.

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  • Now I'd like to ask you guys for suggestions regarding stretch goals. Any ideas for additional features are very welcome.

    Brilliant, congratulations!

    For stretch goals, personally I'd like to see you working with a select few game creation applications (C2 among them, of course) to improve integration of Sprite DLight's outputted maps. For example, having a behaviour for objects that allows you to overlay those maps on a regular sprite, and interface with the existing light object. No idea how you'd do that but I imagine it'd require outsourcing the work. (We have a couple of geniuses on these forums who I'm sure could help!)

  • As long as you have a driver for it, it should work. I remember reading that the driver would go out over Windows Update a while ago, so it should just work on up-to-date systems. I'd be interested to hear whether it works for anyone by default.

    I've got Windows 8.1 and it works out of the box, no additional download required. Of interest, it picks up as an Xbox 360 controller with Gamepad.ID.

  • Ooookay, I get it now. I was way over-thinking this whole thing, which was causing my to misinterpret what both of you were saying.

    Thanks so much RootKernel and justifun, I really appreciate your help!

  • Also make a variable that gets assigned the gamepad number who's button was pressed.

    That's the exact problem. I've already got controls working across all gamepads and keyboard for pre-selected controller/player pairs, but there's no "Gamepad.Number" or whatever expression. That's why I can't figure how to dynamically assign the controller.

    EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood your first point. I've done that now which is great. Assigned controllers initially is now resolved. But this still doesn't solve the issue in your second paragraph "And you pass the gamepad number that presseed it (the variable from before)". There's no way to extract that from a gamepad event without having events for every single gamepad and passing along the variable manually.

    Thanks for your reply as well, RootKernel, but, unless I'm missing something, it doesn't help solve my problem.

    Really what would solve all of my issues is if there was an action "On any gamepad pressed" (maybe a set of actions, for buttons/sticks/etc.), and a Gamepad.Number expression that reads which gamepad triggered the current event. Then I could bundle all of my controls and assignments into just a few events.

    Ashley, any thoughts on this? I know that there probably is a way around my problem, but I can't quite manage to bend my brain there. Having a couple of conditions and an expression would be magical.

  • 13. Achievements and points. Because this provides validation to otherwise empty experiences.

    Maybe as something down the line, but achievements should never be used to replace meaningful gameplay. Work on the core of the game first, make that feel rewarding, and only add in fluff like achievements as a cherry on top.

  • Hi folks, I'm running into a brick wall here and I hope some of the more experienced C2 users can give me some insight into how to fix this issue. Here's my situation:

    • Four-player co-op game, using keyboard and/or gamepads.
    • Character selection screen before the game kicks off.
    • In this screen, I want to give players the chance to pick up any gamepad and press A to join in. I want them to be assigned a player number based on the order in which they join.

    I've got the game working so that player numbers are assigned based on the controller number, so P1 can be keyboard, P2 can be gamepad(0), P3 is gamepad(1), etc. Or P1 is gamepad(0), P2 is gamepad(1) and so on. All of the controls are set up so that it accepts input from any source, then passes that input along to a set of generic functions that actually make the players move.

    The trouble is, there's no generic "On any gamepad, any button pressed" event, nor is there a way to record a controller number when a button is pressed. This means that players will need to join the game in the order that gamepads are assigned by the OS, not the order in which they press the A button. This is what I'm trying to avoid.

    I'd like to use the logic "When Up is pressed on controller(Player/ControllerNumber), move Sprite(Player/ControllerNumber) up", but I can't figure out how to match a player to a controller in a dynamic way.

    I hope this makes sense, and I hope someone can assist!

  • Yes, you can upgrade your licence from personal to business for a special price (it's listed in the store). It's definitely recommended that you start with a personal licence and upgrade when/if necessary. Since you're a one-man operation you'll be within the licence's limitations.

    Copyrights and trademarks are up to you to deal with. If you're concerned about these things, hire a lawyer and file the paperwork in your country.

  • cranberrygame The preloading of smart banners is a small issue for me. The first time it shows a banner, it occupies the entire width of the screen. But from the second time and onwards (even with preloading), it does show the correct size banner (in my case, 300x50 pixels). The problem only occurs the first time that a banner is loaded.

    Is there any way around this? Is it just a bug?