My game needs to display some larger chunks of text, like stories let's say, things like "You go there and meet this guy, he says that, you reply this etc" with dialog and multiple paragraphs.
Currently I'm doing some ugly workarounds to store this text.
I would like to request multiline edit boxes at design time. My suggestion would be that when I set value for a text variable and start writing text, there should be a button labeled "..." to the right of the text box, which would open a dialog with a multiline text box, just like Visual Studio does on the Build Events boxes.
I can provide more details if this is not clear.
This would help everyone who displays more text in their games, it would make it possible, for example, to build a "resource strings" event sheet, with global text variables.
It would be useful in "Heroes of Might and Magic"-like games (artifact info, various stories when visiting temples etc), RPGs (dialogues, missions etc), games with a "How to play" button which gives instructions.
And it would of course allow for easier translation of games in other languages.
Hope this gets implemented, as it seems (to me at least :) ) to bring much value compared to the implementation effort.