Geo's Forum Posts

  • Hey guys,

    So I have this project on a chess board, Queens, Knights, Pawns etc.

    I created an event sheet that creates some queens dynamically, based on some global parameters (how many queens to create, where to place them etc).

    I created another event sheet that creates some pawns dynamically, based on global parameters, with IDENTICAL code, except for the object name, where I replaced Queen with Pawn.

    And so on for knight, bishop etc. All these Queen, Pawn, Knight etc belong to the ChessPieceFamily family.

    I thought it would be nice to use this Families feature instead of copy/pasting code around (and forgetting to modify in all places).

    I would like to have just ONE event sheet, which creates some ChessPieceFamily dynamically (using System->Create object), and based on some global variable I would tell it what exactly to create (pawn, queen etc).

    Is this possible? I.e. filtering just one of all the object types in a family when using System->Create Object on a family?

    Thanks a lot!


    PS: looking forward to family instance variables and family accessing object instance variables too <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey guys,

    I added one more puzzle to my android app here:

    This is a logic puzzle game on a chess board, now two puzzles are available:

    Queens Attack

    Queens and Pawn

    Check it out <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • True, it shows up in search now... but you have to be really specific :)

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  • Hey guys,

    Just uploaded my first app ever to the Android Market. For some reason it doesn't show up in Search (any tips for that?), so if you have an Android device and want to give it a try, here it is:

    It's a puzzle game on the chess board, designed with kids in mind (difficulty levels and such), and it's free <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I used PhoneGap to package it. If you have any questions I'll be glad to answer. Also any feedback is much appreciated.

    Enjoy <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    edit: URL

  • So regarding #1 and #2, there could be caching issues for me again (works fine after a Ctrl+F5). Not sure who's caching the wrong thing and where. Don't spend too much time on them for now. Thanks for the replies.

  • Points to the correct version now, sorry for the false alarm. I have no browser plugins. Could be the proxy I'm using at work. Next time I'll try from home as well.


  • Is it my browser cache again, or does the front page link still point to r74? Perhaps that's also the reason why autoupdate isn't working (for me).

  • Replying my own post, I (somewhat) figured out #2. You have to edit the generated config.xml file and add this line:

         <preference name="permissions" value="none"/>

    Still, it will probably get overwritten when you regenerate, so an option on the export dialog (ideally one that is remembered - maybe store it in the project?) would be great!

  • Since the topic has been bumped anyway, I'm playing around with PhoneGap right now (Andy sorry no audio here). Trying to get an Android app to the market.

    Here's my initial feedback:

    1. At least for now, functionality-wise, for me it works.

    2. Permissions: for some reason, the generated app seems to require all possible permissions when installing (GPS access, personal info (read / write contact data), full internet access, storage (modify/delete SD card contents), hardware controls (change audio settings, record audio, take pictures and video), phone calls (read phone state and identity)).

    I think it's a must that these get fixed, as it's unlikely that anybody is going to install a new, not-yet-famous, simple game from the market if it requires all this.

    I can't find where to edit these permissions. Any hints?

    3. Export settings (package name, developer info etc) have to be re-entered every time you export for PhoneGap. It would be nice if Construct 2 remembered them.

    I'll post more issues as I find them. Hopefully someone can help with #2 as I'd like to get an app up-there real quick <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks!

  • Some update here regarding #1 (the old alerts) - apparently has something to do with the caching. If I go to "View all alerts" I see the old alerts, but if I refresh I see the new ones. Using Chrome on Windows 7.

  • Done, and thanks for looking into this!


  • Hey rexrainbow,

    There seems to be a bug in the drag and drop behavior, Kyatric helped isolate the issue. This thread has all information. Would be nice to have it fixed <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">



  • Hey guys,

    I've been here for a while now <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> and I see some minor issues with the website. So I thought I'd let you guys know.

    1. Alert system

    At least for me, the forum alert system isn't working. It shows me that I have some alerts, but when I click, I see 5 days old alerts. When I click Show all alerts, I still don't see the new ones. So the system knows and tells me that something happened (someone replied to my thread etc) but doesn't show me exactly what.

    2. Reputation system

    Also the reputation is tricky, it shows me different numbers depending on what web site page I am. For example, on Home I have 845 rep and 1 gold and 3 bronze. On Forums I have 907 rep and 1 gold and 4 bronze.

    3. Preview post

    The preview post button always shows me "There is nothing to preview" message.

    4. Smileys

    Whenever I click the smileys, it always gets added to the end of the message, not at current cursor position.

    None of those are big issues and I can live with all of them just fine.


  • I read the How Events Work article. Either I misunderstood something, or I found a bug.

    What I'm doing is this:

    1. I have a sprite with an instance variable

    2. In a loop, I create sprites dynamically and assign 0, 1, 2, ... to this variable

    3. On a button click, I have a subevent that picks the sprite with the instance variable = 4 and creates another sprite on top of it.

    Now the problem. Unless I also add a Pick all to the condition, the sprite apparently does not get picked at all. Shouldn't it have been picked, as no filter was applied yet to that sprite?

    Here is what I mean in more detail: This is the CAPX

    1. Run it and click OK - nothing happens, apparently the "queen" is not picked

    2. Enable the disabled condition "System->Pick all queen"

    3. Run again - apparently the "queen" is picked this time

    My question is, why? There is no previous filtering on the queen, so the Pick All condition should not make any difference.

    Is this a bug? If yes, please move it to bugs, if not can someone please explain what I misunderstood?
