GenkiGenga's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Good idea re the tutorial, I'll try and add one in the next week or so that should give a novice a solid base to build off.

    Small update: Still mucking around with the card art. Started fleshing out the interface and added a card counter so you know how many cards your opponent has.

  • +1

    Here is another couple of votes.

    It really makes me wonder how many people are actually building big games because once you get to a certain number of events it is very easy to see how much easier life would be with it.

    I could be wrong but I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to implement, it would basically be an adaption of bookmarking (selected folder is bookmarked and then once the search is cleared it heads to that bookmark).

    lennaert I agree with you that I wouldn't want the current "clear search" to disappear either, its handy if you want to get to the top. There should be 2 clear search buttons, one that goes to the top, one that goes to the selected folder or event (there is plenty of room in the editor for this )

    Lol, why are we in works in progress?

  • Problem Description

    In Firefox the audio is being played at full volume instead of the adjusted value set on play.

    Attach a Capx ... Issue.capx

    Description of Capx

    Just plays some music on the start of the layout, set to -10 volume (don't have your speakers up too loud when opening it in firefox).

    Expected Result

    For it to have the same adjustment as in Chrome or IE on opening.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO) Operating System and Service Pack Windows 7 64bit. Construct 2 Version ID r200
  • Hey Gui,

    Luckily you have a ton of options, how simple you want to go is up to you. I would recommend looking up "lerp" from the tutorials or manual. You could also easily achieve it with an elevator that has the bullet behaviour attached.

    If you get really stuck on it I would be happy to help, just post up your progress capx

  • If you have two separate event sheets for each layout you need to "include" them by right clicking on an empty area in the event sheet.

    Any events that you have under the "On Start of Layout" condition will fire again when you change to a new layout, if you don't want this to happen you can add another condition that checks the current layout as well.

    As long as the event sheets include one another and you don't have on start events triggering unnecessarily you should be ok.

  • New update and the deck editor is here (a bit plain at the moment but it is functional). Access the editor by clicking on the book icon. When you exit the editor you will automatically start searching for a game again.

    Improved the UI slightly and touched up a couple of units.

    I still haven't named the majority of cards so the thumbs in the custom deck area are only showing the cost, colour and card type.

    From here on out I will be paying a bit more attention to balance. Time to find out what is overpowered! Feel free to post (or PM) your OP deck list or vent on the cards that you hate.

    Next up, more cards and some improvements to the background and interface.

    *I have just noticed that the music is playing much louder in firefox than intended :/ sorry about that. I may have to edit the volume level myself instead of setting it up through c2.

  • No worries mate. Looking forward to seeing more.

  • This kind of thing happens with the default platform behaviour, its not perfect by any means but often good enough for most simple projects.

    If you don't want to use physics you could try using a detector object underneath your player. If the object detects the ground is sloping enough for your player to fall then you can manually set it to move via simulate control or by setting x,y.

  • Hey deerta,

    Its just that when you import an image into c2 it is set to face right by default.

    Here is an updated cap, I also added some z ordering into the mix as well. Not commented so let me know if you need anything explained.

  • This is looking great, man that tank feels satisfying to drive around. Keep it up Ryan.

  • Well done Gille,

    Simple yet addictive. Loving the graphics.

  • This time next year we will all be using ROJOwrapper It's all beyond me but I look forward to seeing how far you get with it.

  • No worries Fraktal. If I understand it correctly, when you start your game (or load a new layout within your game) all of the animations in any objects present in that layout are loaded into memory. So if you have a bunch of animations in your player object that you will never switch to, then yes it is more costly as you are loading things unnecessarily into memory.*

    The benefits of having all the animations loaded the way you currently have it set up is: If you can change your equipment mid stage, the animation will switch without the potential jank that comes from creating or destroying objects at runtime.

    *One major thing to keep in mind when weighing the pros and cons of which style to use is whether or not you will actually feel a difference. If your making your game for pc only, I don't think you really need to worry about it and should instead go with whatever style is easiest for you to work with.

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  • You can spawn, set and pin an object to a specific image point. This is how you do it.

  • A while back I was building a mobile RPG that had extensive customisation for appearance. For a typical PC it shouldn't really matter how you go about it.

    If you are making a game for mobile then the only way to do it without getting bogged down by memory is to keep all equipped items etc as individual sprites instead of having 1 item with multiple animations. That way you *are* never loading anything unnecessary into memory.