GeneratorX's Forum Posts

  • You can also specify an area of collision 'like bottom of the hole, also you can fade it or start an animation,'on collision. or both :)

    post your capx file so someone can show you directly.

  • You need to add an event like - 'ball on collision with hole' then actions like 'fade: start fade' :)

  • GeneratorX If you don't want to sign up for it then you'll have to be happy with your stock robot

    ok thanks for the link to the post, I did a search first but got nothing back,

    Im starting to like my pink robot lol

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  • Why should they be "arsed" to host your image?

    Well Im a member, on the other 8 sites Im mod of they put the usability of there site and members first, without those, sites are dead!

    Just seems a bit of a extreme way to 'host' a pic, look at the members here, 1 in 50 have a personalized avatar.

    I'll stick to my pink gay robot thanks :P

  • If you want an enemy to go into the base, you need to tell him where exactly. Your problem, if I understand right is that they all stack in the center. So don't do "Find path to hangar", but "Find path to (X,Y)" where X = hangar.X+random(hangar.Width) and Y = hangar.Y+random(hangar.Height); they will all find their way to a random point inside the hangar. If your problem is that they should stop moving once inside the hangar, ramones' solution is the one you need :)

    Yeah quality answer, after that add a little 1 or 2 seconds wait then repeat so they keep recalculating to random points in your hanger so its more realistic and chaotic :)

  • Try putting your audios on 'start of layout, then add the event 'trigger once when true, that way it wont keep preloading, also I dont think you need the 'or' time greater than 5seconds, just let them preload first, just a thought.

    Also there is many audio editing programs out there, if you get a good 20secs of audio without the voice you can make it into a loop sound flawlessly,

    save yourself a few of those folding kinda money :)

  • If you want the enemies to follow a target until there destroyed try using turret & bullet behavior combined, altho you will have to set it up correctly for the speed and direction change to be realistic 'ie on the propertys tab'

    also if you dont want the ai to follow the player add a few exceptions like 'if out of range by X then set different path'

  • What happened to just uploading an image of yourself or favorite pic from your computer?

    I really cant be arsed entering emails then registering with a site just to get a personalized avatar.

    Anyone else think its a bit much? lol

  • Im making a physics bike game,

    and I got to say after coding all the gameplay, designing sprites, acquiring & editing sounds it leaves my brain a bit drained,

    Its always nice to have a fresh mind & eyes to have a look and to give tips and advice on how to do the final but hardest hurdle, 'gameplay'

  • hmmm, is it a top game your making or a 2d side scroller?

    try - on start of layout - set world gravity to 0

    please explain your game more.

  • Hi, an English option would be good :)

    I don't know Portuguese :(

  • 9 of yous downloaded it, any feedback??

    gameplay ok?

    any tips?

  • ok here is a little gameplay test of my new game,

    let me know what you's all think :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Even though its Physics...The 'Angle' of the Object wheel would be still registered as normal..

    So you could place a Variable or two on the wheel that for example is

    something like...




    or similiar

    Do a Every tick function

    Every Tick-> set 'Wheel_initial_Angle' to Wheel Angle

    Then then compare the Values every x seconds..dependant on the maximum required level of sensitivity..say every 0.5 secs.would need testing of course

    {System->Every 0.5s->

    Compare two values ->

    [Wheel_updated_Angle > (greater than)Wheel_initial_Angle > > Action Play your sfx or anything else.. > > or > > you could set it up any number of ways > > Boolean Variable" Wheel Rotate 36 degrees" > > Is 'Wheel_updated_Angle 36 degrees greater than 'Wheel_Initial_Angle' > -> > Set Boolean Variable" Wheel Rotate 36 degrees" TRUE > -> FIRE SFX > -> Reset variables..specifically up date the Initial and updated variables > > There would be plenty of ways to do what you what > > its just a matter of finding the BEST idea for you > > This may take considerable testing phase ..but you would learn alot..:) > > work for you? > first value would be the WHEEL angle and Hi thanks for your reply, your ideas sound interesting and I am going to definitely test them I figured out a way last night, its very basic and mundane but does the trick I pinned invisible circles to every spoke of the wheel and 1 circle to the bike frame and set a sound for ever collision between the frame circle and spoke circle, I got the desired effect of a slow ticking of the chain when rolling slow and a fast ticking when up to speed. Time to try your ideas so I get to grips with more of the maths and physics equations. It will surely shorten my code atleast.

  • I'll try keep it simple,

    I have a bike wheel and I want to add a sound effect for each 36degrees of rotation but I cant find a way to measure the wheel rotations, or how to distinguish it to add events. everything is physics in the game.

    any help much appreciated <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />