Gathos's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I figured something out... not perfect at all... not even something i like ....

    I added 2 sprites one before and one after the front of the building. and make the background image slide back and forth on overlapping the sprites.

    ugly but works ... kinda...

    Still looking forward to others offering suggestions.


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  • This has probably already been answered but I couldn't find it.

    This is what I am trying to do.

    I have many building. if i'm on the left side of the building a sprite behind it shows the left side as i pass in front of it it shows nothing on either side but as i reach the right it shows the right of the back sprite.

    Here are some images to give an example:

    But i want many buildings. I tried parallax but it does not stop the image from moving in the background ( I know it was a long shot but... )

    Any suggestions to fake the parallax effect? it doesn't have to be smooth either. I was thinking something like on collision or when overlapping but i'm not sure.

    Thanks for your time.

  • Well.. no answer. That sucks. Any Ideas of where to even THINK about looking?

    to simplify for possible ideas, I'm trying to randomly pick/create a sprite and mirror it on the other side of a tile sprite.

    Thanks for looking guys.

    I appreciate the people have been just viewing to see if they can help.


  • in my screenshot i show my randomly generated city.

    how do i set my randomly generated cornerstones and roofs to this city? ( i have 3 roofs and 3 types of corner stones)


    I set my walls to a family called fam_walls

    and then set a for each fam_walls

    create roof>roof.width = fam_walls.width

    create cornerstone_left> position = fam_walls.x, fam_walls.y > cornerstone_Left.height = fam_walls.height

    create cornerstone_right> position = fam_walls.x, fam_walls.y + fam_walls.width > cornerstone_right.height = fam_walls.height

    I also did a randomly generated number 1,4

    num = 1 >create roof_1 ...ect...ect...

    but in all honesty, its not working. The roof and cornerstones are not showing up.

    I just need theory to point me in the right direction, I don't necessarily need someone to DO IT for me. (I think)



  • Thank you for clarifying all of this. I will try that unbounded scrolling

  • I have a game where i drop an object from the top of the screen and if the object hits the ground without hitting anything else it goes to the next level.

    I use the same layout but i used "set canvas size" to add height, trying to make the game infinite and each level just a little longer.

    However the window size changes as well, matching the canvas size making the entire game look smaller, fitting it all into the same screen instead of scrolling with the object.

    is there another way to do this that i am not thinking of?

    is there a way to dynamically change layout size?

    or can i use set canvas size and be able to set window size to something else?

    Thank you for your time,


  • I'd like to plug my kickstarter project,

    It's made with Construct 2 and my primary console is Wii U but I'm also developing for well everything lol. If I can hit my stretch goals, I will also port it over to Xbox one and PS4

    I'll be looking into a C or XNA wrapper for it, But thats only if i hit my stretch goals.

    Its a 5 player game all about superheroes, defeating villains, and saving civilians.

    The main reason for asking for funding is to hire actual artists instead of drawing on my own. That and my Nintendo devkit was hella expensive, and getting devkits for everything else will be to.

    So please check it out, and tell your friends, the more people who know the more chances that this project will be funded.


  • I did notice that the layer disappears when set to parallax 0,0 what the WHA?

    that just confuses me further.

  • hey i have 2 levels in my game, the UI layer works fine on both levels in the editor, howeer if i run the layout the UI layer disappears on my second layout. everything on that layer disappears, not just 1 or 2 things.

    same is true if i export the project.

    any idea what is going on? why a layer would disappear on only one layout, but still be seen in the editor?

    thank you for your help,


  • thank you this sounds just like what I need thanks. I already have the variables setup for i just could wrap my head around what i should do with them, i guess i just had a major brain fart thanks justifun.

  • Not sure the easiest way to proceed, and im not even sure on the terminology to look for what im trying to do.

    i have 2 players that play using the keyboard.

    i want a system like cloudberry kingdom on wii u,

    where the players share lives, so while playing a layout, if one dies, the other can keep going and beat the level, at no cost to the lives "pot"

    but if both die, then a life is lost and the layout is reset.

    i'm not even sure how to implement that.

    what i thought (and there is probably an easier way)

    is to have a bool on the players, that is constatly checked, so that when a character dies, the bool isdead = true

    and then a constant loop seeing if the isdead is true for both.

    but I have NO idea how to set this up in the events.

    I just need a push in the right direction and i think i could manage the rest. unless someone wants to selflessly explain word for word how to do this :)

    Thanks for you time reading this,


  • Hi I'm gathos, I have been using construct 2 for a few days, I like to think of myself as a programmer, but really, i'm not because i'm to lazy.

    I develop websites, and have been looking into HTML5 games when I found construct 2.

    Everything seems great and I hope to make some wonderful projects to show off.

  • 12 posts