gametime777's Forum Posts

  • > > Don't want to give your capx but want to send exe or apk file? <<<< Well its not the same as if I give away my Capx .


    > > I have a question, is it possible to trace the source via the exe or apk file? <<<<< I don't know about that but if that its true it could be a problem for the Game Developer.

    if it were true your effort to deliver the game in exe or apk version would not be enough, because they could go back to the source XD <<< it could be truth !! But then they'll have to work a lot a lot to get into the source code and at the last moment I got the rights for my code>> I mean I'll have the copyrights for my code in a legal way.

    God bless you and Thank you for your comment.

  • I know I have seen your stuff and with that said I do think your project you have been working on for 7k hours+ prob is amazing.

    But as I said, like others in this thread, if you MAKE SURE to sign a contract with the company you are using to port your game, or even with individuals sign a contract to make sure they will have to pay you/compensate you IF they break the deal(such as making their own game with your source.)

    A year ago when i had a client who needed a mobile app for his business, i printed a contract i found online for apps, if i were to sell the source code for his app to anyone, i would have to pay him a big fine.

    I'm willing to give my Capx if the Publisher need it , But first I was just looking to be sure and find out different types of opinion from you guys !!! I just want to be ready just in case and who to trust before making any deal,

    Thank you for your time and to ALL OF YOU GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!

  • Don't want to give your capx but want to send exe or apk file? <<<< Well its not the same as if I give away my Capx .

    I have a question, is it possible to trace the source via the exe or apk file? <<<<< I don't know about that but if that its true it could be a problem for the Game Developer.

  • All fredriksthlm said was that he would not do business with you because of the way your acting here, which is not very professional.

    He has over 800 posts on this forum, you have 35, i do think he put in more hours of work than you so far.(Also he joined 2016, you joined 2021) But its not a competition, im happy for you that you put time & effort to your game, and i hope you get far with it. Just try to take criticism

    with a breeze. Good luck !

    P.S: When you ask a company to port your game, you will enter a deal with them, you will probably sign a contract, if they break the contract they will have to pay you a fine(if its stated in the contract). And gametime777 , relax with the "!!!!!?????!!!" it feels like you are screaming at us bro xD

    XD !!! I'm here since 2013 !!! but this is my new profile !!! Plus I already created a game in 2017 for the eShop !!!

    what else do you want for me !!??? God bless you !!!

  • Both companies are legit. They have ported many many games. If you have not even googled them and looked into their portfolios then you are not serious anyway.

    Of course a porting company needs your project files, since they are mapping the ACEs to c++ code. Also needs to tweak something from time to time. If you are not willing to share, then you need to publish yourself, to web and desktop.

    The way you are writing your messages... If I were a publisher I would not make any deals with you.

    I already did get in contact with one of them , but one of them only works Capx and the other I'm still waiting for a response since months ago !!!!

    and By the way you are not a Publisher so you are far from making a deal with me , But there is always someone ahead who will be willing to work with me !!! Cause I'm paying money for my work !!! its not for FREE !!!!

    Maybe you talk things because you dont know what its like to be working thouseands of hours in a Project , give respect to the ones that are working hard day by day my friend , you just don't know that my friend !!!

    Im will not give away my Master Capx to anyone but to trusted people !!! God bless you my friend and your family too !!!!

  • The most recent, highest profile console release I am aware of is Cyber Shadow, done by Chowden.

    Thank you and I'll try to get in contact with them,,,,

  • I think there are two entities that have the ability to port capx to other platforms. But both require the source capx to do so as far as I know.

    Anyways I probably did you a disservice to say it could be possible to port an already exported game. If any new porting company emerges they too will require the games source to do it. Why? Because it’s much much harder to port games already exported to the point of not being worthwhile to attempt.

    Can you name a game they have exported to any consoled !?

    Do they have good reputation !? are they Legit !!??

  • Chowdren is the other one that comes to mind.

    I'm going to hazard a guess that either will be out of your budget, besides requiring the source project. It would be more reasonable to explore publishing to platforms that support html5, like desktop and web, which will be both significantly cheaper and not require source project files, not to mention self publishing is entirely within the means of a novice with a completed project.

    I heard that Chowdren takes too much time to respond , some people in this forum commented about that two years ago or so ,

    I'm going to hazard a guess that either will be out of your budget<< So much will be to export the game now that you mentioned that !!??

  • I have not used them personally. You'd have to contact them directly. Search the community here for "ratalaika", and you should be able to find some threads regarding devs who have worked with them in the past. Again, wish I could be more helpful.

    All the Best.

    EDIT: I think "A Pretty Odd Bunny" was ported by them. You could search that on the main community page as well. Just do Search All Post. Both of those suggestions should bring up some results on the forums here.

    How many exporters are here in this community !?? only one !!?? Only one option to export my game !!?? and by the way the one you told me the only option they gave me right now is to send them the Capx , cause there is no other way they can export my game , soooo I'm gonna keep looking forward to see if there is another Publisher ,, so Sad so Sad !!!!!! IF I HAVE TO WAIT 1 OR 2 YEARS THEN I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO WAIT !!!

    Thank you brainwavecreations !!!

  • > I would do:


    > 1) Check the reputation of the publisher.


    > 2) Check where the publisher company is established? It that in a legit country or do they are in a tax heaven or even worse in a country where they don't care about copyright laws? In that government don't punish people for stealing from others, you can spend millions of dollars in lawyers and nothing would change.


    > 3) Contact other developers that have used that publisher and ask about their experience.


    > Other things important to keep in mind:


    > - In general in life, if you were the one asking them for help it's less likely that they trick you compared to the ones reaching you out asking if you want to use their services.


    > - Having shared the development of your game for years, if popular, that could give you a little advantage since if someone steals your project, fan would know about it and they will help you spreading the voice and helping in boycotting the game.

    You just mentioned a Publisher earlier on this conversation , Do they have a company in a legal way !!?? are they stablish in the united states !!?? are they in law with the NDA agreement legaly and singned up contracts !!?? Can I see who these person are or they are just ghost that you only know through the internet , you know what I mean if I get to know them at least via camera and make contract with them and the NDA agreement, have they port any big Indie fame !!??? or they just port simple 2D games !?? Just asking you in a good way because I heard you export a game with these people, and of course to know more about who to really trust.,,,

    Thank you friend !!!

  • I go by this a 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe it's about reputation and trust. Valve gave access to the source code of their major games, and unfortunately the code ended up being leaked. Even a huge company like Valve trusted people with their source code, and the people they trusted failed to keep it private.

    CheckMate !!!!!!!!

    Thanks Jase00 for this great comment !!!!

    and I go by this a 100% too !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never share your capx even if they get angry, the truth they shouldn't get angry and instead they should encourage you to get used to not sharing your Capx for obvious reasons.

    It happened to me many times in the past that some users shared with me their capx because they needed help and I had to tell them off very serious that you should never share your main project capx and instead do a quick demo example reproducing your issue. You have to remind them of the consequences of doing that which could be catastrophic.

    Thank you Tarek2 for this comment too !!!!

    This is the best job that exists. So those who want everything easy are just lazy people. to want something from me that they give me money.

    Of course I wouldn't. I've spent more than 3 months trying to create a small game. And the worst of all is that I don't know anything about code. In order to make an event I've had to spend weeks on the forums, asking to google and to the construct community. To make a simple drawing I have had to watch youtube tutorials for hours on photoshop, nskape, gimp, aseprite and more, I have searched and converted music everywhere, that and all the possible material that can help me. and although in the end the game is not what I expected and I do not get any monetary gain, I gain experience doing something that I love doing.

    black meow ninja << Thank you for this comment too !!!!

    7000?? my projects have 70 hours and no share anybody, calm bro

    Stefano1234 Thank you for this Comment too !!!

    All I can say is that if a person has not spent thousands of hours on a project then they will not know the value of their work to share it ,

    And I speak this for all the time I have worked on this engine since 2013 !! Thank you friend for your opinion and God bless you !!!

    and Thanks to me too for this comment !!!

    God bless all of you guys !!! and remember to never give away your hard work, it's your job not theirs.

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  • If this is a theoretical question then most likely no, unless yoyve signed some deal never do that litterally everyone below me would say so.

    And 7000 is like months if not years of progress maybe it was a type but yoyve only been here since 16 of december goddamn.

    But remember that I'm OLDER than December 16 !!!!

    Thank you for your comment my friend and God bless you !!!

  • If you want someone to port your game by recreating it from scratch, well it probably could be done, and most likely in significantly less time than you spent on the original code, but it would be expensive. But by then they would have written the code from scratch and they would have their own "source code" for your game by then anyway so what is the point. This is unlikely in any event, since the porting company would probably simply just not take your job if you don't want to provide your code, they have other work to do anyway.

    First of all my question is !!!! >> Would you guys shared your 7,000 PLUS HOURS PROJECT CAPX TO ANYONE !!????

    I'm not talking about stealing !!! I'm talking about if its there another way to port a C3 Game without giving away your Master source code Capx !!!!

    That's all my friend !!!

    If you know someone who can do it just let me know !!! That's all I need to know !!! Cause I'm not exposing my Master Capx to anyone, That's my work and I was the only one getting through all this hard work project, and just for the record I created a game for the Wii U console and at that time I never had to give away my Master Capx !!!

    You mention this >> But by then they would have written the code from scratch and they would have their own "source code" for your game by then anyway so what is the point. << My answer to this !!! WELL !!! STILL ITS MY COPYRIGHT CODE !!! UNLESS THEY CHANGE THE ALGORITHM my friend !!! and that wont be an easy task !!!!!

    God bless you friend !!! and remember to never give away your hard work !!!

  • Hello, you could pass a gameplay clip from your game. It must be incredible

    Its not an incredible game !!! its a simple game, but with a lot of hours and Mechanics invested ,,, I'm a humble Game Developer,,, But the hard work deserve respect and admiration even if you are creating a simple game. God Bless you !!!

  • I mean the porting services like that need the capx so they can tweak things to make it work on the given platform. Or maybe the conversion is automated? I seem to recall from what I’ve read is it’s mostly automated but they do some things manually to make it work better on a given port.

    You can set the terms and say you won’t give them the capx but only an already done export for them to use to make the port. If they agree they’ll probably quote you higher I’d imagine.

    So then it can be done from an already exported game!? , and I don't care if I have to pay them more for the Export of my game without using my Master Capx , the main thing here for me it's to look for someone who are willing to Export my Project without giving away my Master Capx,

    Cause some people maybe don't understand the difference between a Project of 100 Hours versus a Project of 7,000 Plus Hours.

    But hey Rojo How come games from the past 16 bit ERA are Exported to any consoled !!?? Its there another way to Export a Game without the Master Source Code !!!???

    Thank Rojo !!