gametime777's Forum Posts

  • There is only one Publisher I have in mind for console ports for any of my projects. And, it's someone well known in this community. Who has worked with other folks in the community who have already vouched for them and shown off projects ported by them.

    Does that Publisher can Export a game without the Master Capx !?? Can they export the Code via the Java Sripts source code !?? Can I send them another type of Port without giving away my Master Capx !???

    How come games from the past 16 bit ERA are Exported to any consoled !!?? Its there another way to Export a Game without the Master Source Code !!!??? Its there any way !!???????????

  • Another thing to consider - what if someone just "looks" at your finished game, and they make a new project and try to copy your game from scratch, WITHOUT your capx?

    First of all >> I got more than 100 Capx since I started my Project PLUS my prototype its on YouTube.

    Secondly >> My Source Code Script will be Handle in photocopies and another copy inside a USB locked with Winrar password to a Lawyer for Copyrights, just in case someone try to copymy Master Source Code and disguise as new game changing my assets with new ones .. in other words if they try to change the Sprite of the real game and try to change a little bit the scripts,

    AND Third >> if we go by the law in Terms of source code then at that time Both Source Codes will be put to test to see if they are the same.

    I respect others Game Developers work so as I want to Game Developers Respect mine too.

    That's how I work.

    Thank you Jase00 for the opinion and the comment !!! You got a point too.

  • Some times i'm sad because when i've spend a long time overcoming a problem, or found a really elegant way of coding something, i know no one will ever get to see it but me, or when they play the game appreciate what it took to make it work.

    It happened to me until I created a game for the eShop on 2017.

    Don't worry and Keep On working Hard and you'll see the OUTCOME my friend.

  • Of course I wouldn't. I've spent more than 3 months trying to create a small game. And the worst of all is that I don't know anything about code. In order to make an event I've had to spend weeks on the forums, asking to google and to the construct community. To make a simple drawing I have had to watch youtube tutorials for hours on photoshop, nskape, gimp, aseprite and more, I have searched and converted music everywhere, that and all the possible material that can help me. and although in the end the game is not what I expected and I do not get any monetary gain, I gain experience doing something that I love doing. This is the best job that exists. So those who want everything easy are just lazy people. to want something from me that they give me money.

    Hey friend you got a point !!! If person has not spent thousands of hours on a project then they will not know the value of their work to share it , some people think that all of this about creating a game its like eating a cake .

    But they are wrong !!!

    Just ask for a company of any kind that lends you the source master code of their project or their recipe to see if they do it, I'm very sure that they won't do it.

  • Here's the problem !!!

    What about if that group or company decide to close their company and so suddenly I don't know about them anymore and they disappear from the map, and what about after that my capx get steal or exposed!? Where do I go to claim the contract or NDA that we signed!????

  • Interpreting the extensive use of punctuation and double- and triple-emphasizing on the question if there is another way than giving away the source code of something you have dumped 7,000 hours of your spare time into, my educated guess is that you may have the opportunity on monetizing at least a fracture of the time spent and you may be in contact with a small publisher / studio, yet ridicously overrate the market value of the product to be.

    Talking personal experience here.

    All I can say is that if a person has not spent thousands of hours on a project then they will not know the value of their work to share it ,

    And I speak this for all the time I have worked on this engine since 2013 !! Thank you friend for your opinion and God bless you !!!

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  • Depends on the situation. I skimmed through the thread, and it seems you are working with a publisher. Like others have said, if you signed a Contract, and NDA with them. You should be fine. You can take legal action of they steal your work, at that point.

    Here's the problem !!!

    >>>What about if that group or company decide to close their company and so suddenly I don't know about them anymore and they disappear from the map, and what about after that my capx get steal or exposed!? Where do I go to claim the contract or NDA that we signed!????

  • You need to ask those publishers that. It depends on how they do the export to platforms that construct doesn’t support.

    Most if not all of them convert the capx to the export format. It’s up to them if they are willing to take an already exported game and try to convert it.

    It’s up to them if they are willing to take an already exported game and try to convert it.

    Can the game be exported with an already exported game !?? For example can they port the game to a consoled with NW.js or Window Store port format !!?? ,, ect ect its there any way to exported a Construct game to a consoled without sending the Master Capx to the Publishers !?

    That's one of my main questions.

    Thank you guys and thank you Rojo !!!!

  • If they, as publisher, should port your gamecode to console code (C++) then yes, you will need to share your project.

    isnt there another way for the export without sending the Master Capx !!??? That's my main question !!!!!!

  • > > > Very good tarek2 !!!

    > > > A group of person asked me for my main Capx to Export my game either to Switch or PS4 or 5 and Xbox , Its that normal !!??? giving away the Master Capx to make any export to any consoles !!??

    > >

    > >

    > > If the reason is just for exporting the Game from C3 then you have an easy choice there I guess, as exporting from C3 is very easy is like a few clicks depending on the platform, anyone could do it so why they don't tell you which Platforms they need and you export it for them? that should be the best possible solution and safe for both. I guess there is a lot of context missing so I'm judging for what you revealed so far.



    > A group of person asked me for my main Capx to Export my game either to Switch or PS4 or 5 and Xbox , Its that normal !!??? giving away the Master Capx to make any export to any consoles !!??


    Sign NDA with them and you will be fine.

    But do I still have to send them the Master Capx or its there another way to export a game to any consoled!!?? I just dont want to send them my Master Capx at all even with a Sign NDA.

  • > Very good tarek2 !!!

    > A group of person asked me for my main Capx to Export my game either to Switch or PS4 or 5 and Xbox , Its that normal !!??? giving away the Master Capx to make any export to any consoles !!??

    If the reason is just for exporting the Game from C3 then you have an easy choice there I guess, as exporting from C3 is very easy is like a few clicks depending on the platform, anyone could do it so why they don't tell you which Platforms they need and you export it for them? that should be the best possible solution and safe for both. I guess there is a lot of context missing so I'm judging for what you revealed so far.

    A group of person asked me for my main Capx to Export my game either to Switch or PS4 or 5 and Xbox , Its that normal !!??? giving away the Master Capx to make any export to any consoles !!??

  • > Very good tarek2 !!!

    > Never Ever Share your CAPX !!! PERIOD !!!!!


    > and what about if a group of people ask for your Main Master Capx Source to export the game you are creating !!?? it's there another way to Export the game you are creating without giving away your Main Master Capx to them !!???


    > its there anyway to export your game without giving away your Capx !!??

    > I just felt uncomfortable about all this of sharing my Master Capx.

    If the reason is just for exporting the Game from C3 then you have an easy choice there I guess, as exporting from C3 is very easy is like a few clicks depending on the platform, anyone could do it so why they don't tell you which Platforms they need and you export it for them? that should be the best possible solution and safe for both. I guess there is a lot of context missing so I'm judging for what you revealed so far.

    A group of person asked me for my main Capx to Export my game either to Switch or PS4 or 5 and Xbox , Its that normal !!??? giving away the Master Capx to make any export to any consoles !!??

  • gametime777 Are you the same person as MasterQuest

    Are you asking about sharing your mode7 racing game? I'm curious, I know how much time you spend on it. Sometimes decisions like this can be liberating, for example take a look for a open source projects, people colaboration and what that movement do to the software tools and community focued on it. 3D Blender history is interesting! DOOM source code and what amazing things people do with it to this day! and this is just a drop in the ocean.

    When you are a IN ONE PERSON in the making of a Game everything change , But when you have a team of 5 and more then it could take less time for the game to be created !!!

    But my question is !!! Will you shared your 7,000 plus hours game Project Master Capx !!??

  • We have no context of what you are talking about.

    We do know 7000 hours is a huge overestimate.

    My project its almost like 9,000 hours or more since 2018 in the making, a day by day working project !!! I got more than 100 capx for backup since the begining of my project.

    Not an easy task !!! plus I created a game for the eShop since 2014

  • It’s up to you. If I said yes or no is irrelevant.

    I think for sure its not safe at all.

    and what about if a group of people ask for your Main Master Capx Source to export the game you are creating !!?? it's there another way to Export the game you are creating without giving away your Main Master Capx to them !!???

    its there anyway to export your game without giving away your Capx !!??