gamesura's Forum Posts

  • ondraayyy

    Yes i know that the tutorial is for Web Games that published on Internet but many things on the tutorial is useful for protecting our games such as how to hide the String value from preying eyes... see "Things to consider" section and if i'm not wrong when you use encrypt and decrypt system then you need to "hide" the decrypt "key", right ?

    And also lately many games using decrypt "key" that stored on the server because if the "key" stored inside the app then it will be easier to crack <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... ndle-files

  • Aphrodite

    My statement about Canvas accelerated devices was from this facts:

    • In my country there are many store sell super cheap low-end new Android phone that have single core, small RAM and weak GPU or maybe even no GPU at all.
    • Webview from Android Kitkat 4.4 (also in built-in browser) is suffer from bugs that slowing down Canvas based app (this also affect many Cordova compatible app that using Webview) ... ?id=315111

    • Desktop browser on many PC suffer from blacklisted GPU and also low performance for integrated GPU.
    • Today there are many newer devices with better hardware specs but a year ago the conditions is different and rendering CSS3 is faster than Canvas, you can read about it in:

    For 60 fps is Construct standard, i found it at: ... -your-time

    " Most modern displays update at 60 Hz, so the target of the game is to run at 60 FPS, so each time the display updates there is a new frame of the game to show. If the game runs faster than 60 FPS, there is no visual improvement! "


    " Delta-time (dt) is set as if the game were running at 60 FPS. "

  • SamRock, szymek

    Thanks for detailed answers about Ad network mediator, i also interested with Ad mediator that works for Asian region because i also in that region

  • Maybe you can also read this great tutorial about how to protect your games <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... ished-game

  • Wow Jayderyu,

    That very thorough explainations about Construct architecture... very informative and very useful, thanks d=(^___^)=b

    Your new architecture for Construct is also amazing... so flexible and look like can produce much better and faster performance... i hope Ashley will implement it on Construct 3

  • Maybe the concerns if we want to use Construct 2 for web design is:

    • In many browser Canvas elements is NOT hardware accelerated (specially mobile browser)

    This is weird but this is fact and the contrary many CSS specially CSS3 tags is hardware accelerated (also true for mobile browser) so big chance is website using CSS design layout is lighter on resource and faster to render than Canvas based design.

    • Rendering Website is very different than Rendering Games.

    Rendering website NOT require real-time update but Rendering Games require 60 update per second (60 fps is Construct 2 standard)

    Even if our website only have static contents but if they rendered using Canvas at 60 fps then activity like visiting and browsing our website will drain our phone battery faster like when we are playing games.

    So just like why we prefer full HTML website than full Flash website.

    • Maybe we can use WebGL to replace the Canvas but rendering DOM is very different than rendering Sprites.

    such as rendering C2 Text Object will drop WebGL performance that why we use Sprite Font for better performance under WebGL because every changes on Text Object, WebGL need to generate new texture.

    • SEO (search engine crawler/bot can't browse our Canvas or WebGL sprites/elements)

    This will make our website visibility on search engine is harder to get better top page ranking position on search engine results page.

    • Content Management System using Construct 2 will be much more difficult.

    because we manage 1 page = 1 layout, how if we have more than 100 pages? like how if we want to change our web look and feel - modify all 100 more pages one by one? also for only small changes, we must render whole site design and re-upload whole site, so maybe this only suitable for static small website but not for dynamic big website.

    So imo if we want our site to reach much more wider audiences including those that using low-end phones then its better to use CSS and HTML but if we only target users with high-end phones then maybe we can use Canvas/WebGL for our websites

  • SamRock,

    maybe you can try to check Cranberry's Cordova plugins that compatible with Intel XDK and they have many Ads plugins, if don't exist maybe you can ask them.

    but i have questions, is that earning from Admob is smaller than earning from Ad network mediator? because many is prefer to use Intel XDK because we can use Admob rather than CocoonJS where we only can use Mopub that less than Admob... and if we use Ad network mediator is that they cut our earning?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Is that Admob FE is working with Cordova, Crosswalk, IntelXDK or CocoonJS ?

  • How about audio and music in html5 games, is that playable on that console browsers?

    Because from info that Wii U browser support <audio> element (no WebAudio support) but didn't support common audio file formats such as mp3, ogg even wav.

  • Ashley

    using many optimizations tricks Construct 2 can produce smooth big 2d game for desktop using WebGL but if the computer don't support WebGL and using Canvas2d then the game will suffer from stuttering even when fps still at 40-50, how to prevent games from stuttering ?

    and for mobile platform i use CocoonJS and even when i use all optimizations tricks that i know, using small number of object, without destroy object at all and without behavior at all, my games still stutter even when fps is 50, but after playing it for awhile (2x game over and restart layout) then the game played more smoothly, why it happen?

  • resvi,

    check on Properties Panel for:

    Behaviors > Bullet > Set Angle > Yes => change it to No

  • Joannesalfa,

    I'm sorry but may i know why GameClosure didn't help you? is it not fast enough?

    because i also planning to use GameClosure or Ejecta for my game but my concern is Ads support on GameClosure or Ejecta

  • Sorry,

    but this forum changes make many my forum link references broken! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">(

    usually i refer this link for info about iOS audio problems (may be it iOS 4.x and 5.x but i don't have any iOS devices to confirm about that, sorry) ... page1.html

    Yes, you can use Browser Object > Close event, it's works with CocoonJS and NodeWebkit too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • i prefer look and feel of old forum theme rather the new one

  • Yes because Construct 2 produces HTML5 game just like HTML that used by website, the difference is Construct 2 using extensively HTML5 component called Canvas that used for displaying 2d graphics so all games produced by Construct 2 can be played using any web browser if that browser support HTML5 standard.

    CocoonJS using special custom game engine (not browser engine) that can read javascript code and Canvas HTML5 code that produced by Construct 2 and displaying it to screen using native code so yes it will be a standalone app with speed that near native app performance :)