Thank you guys for getting back to me. I figured instead of trying to fix my code it would probably be easier to just start from scratch. So all I need is someone to get my enemy AI working correctly. Here are the specifics.
-Enemy AI that randomly generates onto maze at start of layout, but never generates within player line of sight.
-Enemy AI randomly walks around maze.
-Enemy movement should be smooth grid based up, down, left, and right. No diagonal.
-If enemy AI is in line of sight of the player, enemy AI begins to chase player at an increased speed.
-If enemy AI collides with player, player dies.
-If enemy AI loses line of sight for about 2 seconds, enemy stops chasing player, decreases speed, and goes back to random movement.
Hopefully someone can do this for me. I realize that their are a number of plugins and behaviors that do some of what I'm looking for, feel free to use them. Not only would you be paid but also get in game credit. I may also hire you for further game development. I can't PM yet, but you can reach me at Thank you.