Galahir950's Forum Posts

  • Yes,at be even with an enemy and a player to demonstrate the turn based movement

  • Has anyone made a roguelike template?

  • Are there any "skeletons" I can use as a base for humanoid animation and possibly quadruped animiations?

  • I am trying to do corner pieces and straight on roads for a racing game, but I can not figure out how to make multiple collision boxes for 1 tile.

    like this






    X=Non Collision

    C= Collision

  • I am having several problems with my tile map.

      I cant get my character to animate when my goggles are on The character falls through the tiles when he is crouched I cant get the collisions for one tile map to turn off when the goggles are on The battery level stutters when it moves


  • How do I make a tilemap from multiple different PNGs?

  • how? I have been having trouble getting tile maps to work? the tutorial is not helping.

    EDIT: NVM, I was being an idiot and I didnt notice the tile map tab.

    EDIT 2: Is there any way to randomize the which tiles go where, so it is a random layout? Also, can that be on load, so it is persistent for each save, but randomized when a new game is created?

  • Is there any way in stock C2 or a plugin that allows you to create a layout like this? Drawing from a tilemap or just different sprites.


  • Here you go.



  • It is [100*(base.Health/100)] which would be 100*(0/100) or 0

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  • It does equal zero at one point, but nothing is ever divided by it or another 0.

  • I removed that right after I took this picture, it did not help. I set it to every 0.5 seconds.

  • None of my variables for the points, which is what is counted, use decimals, they are all whole numbers. Everyhting that would contribute to the score is in the Scoring group

  • I cant fix my high score NaN error.


    The Events


    Before Playing a Round


    After Playing A Round

  • Yes I did, but it did not help.