Gadgetkk's Forum Posts

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm making a game similar to factory town and I'm trying to simulate the paths where the NPCs prefer them over the normal terrain.

    When I look at the path finding docs, I see how to make an object less desirable to path along, but there a way to make something more desirable to path along?

    Thanks in advance.

  • HA!

    I looked at that a thousand times... guess it's time for glasses.

    Thanks for the assist.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to do a simple spawn timer where when the objects collide the pink object changes to a different animation frame and starts a timer.

    I want the animation to change back when the timer ends. However, it doesn't look like the timer is even starting. Please take a look and let me know what think.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have suggestions for how to make simple RTS build-it interface?

    At the moment I have 3 separate objects for it…

    - UI button

    - Cursor icon

    - actual built item

    Is this the best methodology to use or is there a better/easier way to do it?

    Thanks in advance,



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  • Hi everyone,

    Could some point me in the direction of how to create a creation timer bar?

    Just a simple RTS style bar that show the progress of of a unit being created.

    Thanks I advance.

  • Hi Everyone,

    Does anyone know if there are any plans for new behaviors to be added that are more basic for different game types?

    Most of what I see being worked on in the Beta releases is advanced stuff that I will personally never be able to use (not saying it shouldn't be added though). But I see a lot of basics missing.

    Most no-code-needed engines I see have a high focus on platforms (I'm because the are the easiest to set pre-built functions for), and construct is no different. I would love to see more options for other genres

    Some ideas of basic functions I think should be added:

    - RTS Behaviors

    - Ability to click and drag to select multiple objects.

    - Click and move to closest point pathing.

    - Placing objects in-game (ie shadow representations and placing)

    - RPG Behaviors

    - Inventory actions

    - Combat behaviors

    These are just some thoughts I have.

    I welcome constructive conversation.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm playing around with a netstorm clone idea. In this game the player puts bridges together to connect islands and the bridges are sort of like tetris pieces.

    The part I'm struggling with (at this moment) is how to have a sprite only path along what would be considered the bridges without having a bajillion (technical right there) solid objects.

    I tried doing having the pathing prefer the bridge sprites, but they will still cut corners and don't follow the sprite (I did set the bounding box to exactly the image and didn't just leave it at the whole box).

    I've attached what I have done so far, but it has different pieces as I have tried out different options.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Everyone,

    In my game I'm wanting to use a text object to show the value of a variable in an object. But there several objects and I would like each of the objects to have their own assigned text object to show their own variable. (Make sense?)

  • I disagree.

    If you press 1 while in the game you can put down another turner and the original turner will be firing even though it isn't getting hit.

    I recall having this same issue with previous attempts to use construct, it doesn't easily differentiate objects from each other like visual engines do.

  • Not exactly.

    After doing some more testing, it is passing he variable to another object of the same type. Not the one that it is colliding with.

    Any idea why that would be?

  • Here is a link to my game file.

    Based on the example above, I've got that piece of code correct. So I'm stumped.

  • Sorry, I wrote this just before I went to bed so it probably reads like a dr Seuss book.

    My game has a cannon-like object that will shoot 1 canister with say 5 items in it. When the canister hits a target, I want to destroy the canister but transfer the count of 5 items to the target it hit. But the number of items can vary for each canister. So I can’t just say when they collide just add 5. It has to add the variable amount in the canister.

    Hope that makes more sense.

  • Hi Everyone,

    Need some help please.

    I have 2 (OBJ_one and OBJ_two) objects that each have a variable (my_variable). When the objects collide, I would like to have the variable value in OBJ_one be passed to OBJ_two and then OBJ_two be destroyed.

    What is happening is when they collide is OBJ_two is destroyed, but the variable value is not passed.

    I have the event set at 'on collision', which is working fine. And the action set to ObJ_one add OBJ_two.my_variable to my_variable. But it doesn't seem to be passing the variable value.

    Any and all help is appreciated.

  • Ah got it, thank you.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to do a connect 3 type game where the tiles drop as space is made. I've got the general drop mechanic and objects will stack on other objects, but they won't stack on themselves.

    Any help is appreciated.