Furdy's Forum Posts

  • You can add my latest game to the list 4blocks

    This game is all about skill. it's easy to play but a challenge to master. It's for the people who love to play a good game that isn't about IAP or inviting friends to earn coins or whatever.


    ● Every level handcrafted and always plays different!

    ● 150 levels and more are coming!

    ● 6 different worlds and more are coming!

    ● Leaderboard to compete with your friends!

    ● Achievements!

    So what is it?

    Combine 4 blocks or more with the same color with challenges and powerups!

    it's a mixture between a block drop type game and 3 match type game combined with a puzzle element. You just got to try it!


    ★★★ No IAP ★★★

    ★★★ Watch ads when you choose to!! ★★★


    Youtube link: https://youtu.be/BIgWyPhC5VU

  • Hi, I released my latest game called 4Blocks on the playstore! It's free to play puzzle game with gameplay like 3 match type games and block drop type games.

    It would be great if you would try it out and let me know what your thoughts are about it.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... fourblocks

    This game is all about skill. it's easy to play but a challenge to master. It's for the people who love to play a good game that isn't about IAP or inviting friends to earn coins or whatever.


    ● Every level handcrafted and always plays different!

    ● 150 levels and more are coming!

    ● 6 different worlds and more are coming!

    ● Leaderboard to compete with your friends!

    ● Achievements!

    So what is it?

    Combine 4 blocks or more with the same color with challenges and powerups!

    it's a mixture between a block drop type game and 3 match type game combined with a puzzle element. You just got to try it!


    ★★★ No IAP ★★★

    ★★★ Watch ads when you choose to!! ★★★


    Youtube link: https://youtu.be/BIgWyPhC5VU



    • I added a auto save and a load feature
    • Added 50 levels
    • Added bonus levels
    • Improved art & graphics
    • Fixed a lot of bugs
  • With combine I mean that on cocoonIo you need to add a custom plugin to make it work(in combination with the plugin you use on construct 2 program. But I don't know how it works for XDK.

  • Thanks for your reply as well.

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  • Ok thanks for your reply. I am not at all familiar with these things so I am always very careful.

  • Perhaps I didnt explained it correctly.

    I mean in the sense can I say in the description of the app that you can compare it to different game.

    Example: try this game for free its a game what looks like Tetris/candy crush/cut the rope etc.

    Or is it not allowed to make a reference to a different game.

  • So I am finishing my game up and I made a game that is somewhat difficult to describe. When I ask my Betatester how they would describe it they would say its a mixture between game A and game B. For example: tetris and zelda. But can you put this in on your storepage? Or can you get in to trouble?

    Thanks in advance

  • Bump. I can't seem to find the answer on the internet anywhere..

    Also do I only get some money when people click on the ad or also when they watch it?

  • So I am trying chartboost for my game I am currently working on. Now I could use some help of someone who has worked with it. I use it for rewarded video ads. And it works wich is nice. But I have a feeling I am doing it wrong(could be wrong tough;)).

    So I have 4 campaigns for the ad. Highest priority->high prior->medium->low

    So I edited the bulk bid to 5->4->2->1 . I could not find much about this subject on the internet don't even know what this means really...

    So my questions. What are bulk bid? and how does it make me money?

    What is the best setup for bulk bids?

    Thanks for any help:)

  • Sorry for my late response. I completely forgot to answer you.<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> Perhaps you already figured it out. But I use cranberrys plugin facebook. And I combine it with this github in cocoonIO plugins. https://github.com/ludei/phonegap-facebook-plugin.git Dont forget to also add APP_ID and APP_NAME here as your normally would. If you need any help let me know.

  • I tried pretty much every cordova plugin possible and it turned out to be the phonegap one that does the trick.

  • So far I am loving CocoonIO. However I am having some trouble with facebook. I tried the one from CocoonIO, but it had some limitations. So I went with the one from cranberry.

    The problem starts right away that when I add https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordov ... cebook.git to custom plugins it won't compile.

    So I use a different one. https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-facebook4.git

    This one does work. It basically does everything and works with cranberry facebook. However when I have the facebook app installed on the device it won't login or do any functions. When I request a login it shows loading for a few seconds and then it disappears. When I try to share something on facebook it says loading for 1 sec and then it looks like it is going to open facebookshare window but instead closes it and nothing happens after that. I tried different github links but they gave the same problems.

    Can someone help me with this?

  • Thanks for the reply. After a long search I found it. It was indeed a function wich was running in a loop. It seemed random because the function would only be called on a random number but once it was called it would get stuck in a loop.


  • Perhaps someone can help me find my problem in the game. Or at least tell me what this error means.

    the exact error is.

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

    http://localhost:5000/eveng.js, line 1262 (col41)

    (line and col is different everytime)

    What I could find on the internet is that it means a function keeps getting called for hundreds of times and reach it maximum amount of calls. However this problem doesn't occur everytime but it seem to do it random. When it happens it is always at a certain point in the game but like I said it doesn't happen every time.

    Could this error means a call function is in a loop? Or a condtion is constantly being true and doing the same event over and over again? Or something else?

  • Tested.

    C2 official AdMob plugin + Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob library (plugin for Intel XDK) still freezes the screen sometimes.

    C2 Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob plugin + Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob library does not freez the screen, but it happened to me twice during testing that it did not show the interstitial at all. But this might be related to something else.

    Having the same issue here. I hope the C2 official AdMob plugin gets fixed. So far as I know you can only get C2 Cranberrygame Cordova AdMob plugin if you pay for it right? Or is there a free version?