FunEffect's Forum Posts

  • I turned off pixel rounding and it does not fix the problem. Thank for the suggestion anyway.

    Thanks for the help pixelrebirth, I understand the effect with integer scale, but it the black bars cover a lot of space, at least if I use the default option on the project settings, but what do you mean by manual integer scaling? how do I do that?.

    Is there no other way for good pixel art on mobiles made with construct?.

  • Thanks, Pixel rounding is set to on, but if I set it to off, pixels will be drawn between pixels, so it will show some kind of antialiasing, wich will make things look a bit blurry, am I wrong?.

  • Why my game looks so bad?, it seems as if it was scaled in a very wrong way, when I run it on my 800x480 mobile phone. It scales down my pixel art and ruins it.

    The resolution it was designed in is 480x320. With fullscreen in browser set to scale outer, sampling to point, pixel rounding on, it's supossed that those are the best setting for pixel art, but for some reason the scaling ruins it in mobile devices, why is that?.

    I took some screenshots so you can see what I mean:

    With adress bar:

    Without adress bar:

    Should look pixel perfect like this:

  • Using notepad++ I copied this russian text on my xml file to test it: русский язык, I ran the game and it showed it without problems, I don't know how to write in russian, but I guess that's not a problem since the translator will give me the texts.

    Thanks again and good luck with that.

  • It worked, I had to use notepad++ to change the encoding. Thanks a lot.

    Now, how can I writte something in russian and load it in-game?, just for testing.

  • Thanks for the idea, I'm going to try that and let you know the results.

  • I want to let players choose what language to use in my game at the beggining of it, so I want to load a file with all the different translations: spanish, english, french, russian, etc, so the game can load the respective text corresponding to the chosen language.

    I did a test loading from an excel file, and I don't know why the game does not load special characters like the "ñ" in spanish. I don't know how to test it in russian either.

    So what's the best way to achieve this?, thanks a lot.

  • Just wanted to thank skyhunter93, bilgekaan, and Pixelrebirth (and anyone else who helped) for giving away their plugins and helping us with this, so, thanks!.

  • Thanks a lot varr.

    Here is a new UPDATE:

    Major changes:

    -You can build equipment by talking to people. In this prototype you can talk to two guys that build different armors. You have to bring them different materials in order to build a specific armor, the more materials you bring them, the better the armor. Each equipment uses one material to give the equipment special bonuses against certain types of enemies.

    The new thing is that you can carry a limited number of items, and so you have to choose wisely which materials to gather. The materials appear in all the level, in different groups and quantities.

    -You can equip different items too, in this demo you can just change your armor, but the system is in place to equip all kinds of things like helmets, boots and swords.

    -Stats system like those new nice Castlevania RPG games.

    Also, the game aims to be more like a mix between Commander Keen and Flashback in the platform behaviour, so you have to be carefull where to jump and so on.

    Looking for your feedback on this:

    1)what is it missing to be fun?

    2)would you buy this game as it is but with better graphics?.

    3)My idea is this, stop adding more features right now and start making the levels, better art and polish it, but If you guys think it needs more changes in the mechanic, then I'll work on it to make a better game. My objective is to sell this game for a low price as an episodic game, like those old Commander Keen shareware games, do you think it can succeed with this idea?.

    4)Here is an idea, to make the game replayable I can re-set the level so that it gets re populated with different materials to gather, but in the same location, so you have to re explore the level to find the materials you want, what you think?.

    Thanks a lot.


    Keyboard controls: Q for inventory, S to gather, Z, X, C to attack, equip, action and jump.

  • Check the highlighted action, it shows some parameters set just a few actions above, these parameters contain the indexes of the loops, the thing is it does not clear the parameters and it only shows the parameter that are before the "Clear parameters" action, it does not allow me to add other parameters after the "clear"either, they end up containing nothing.

    What could be causing this?.

    <img src="">

  • I really like how the guy walks, It's really funny.

    Keep up the good work (I have seen your sketchbook in, really awesome job, I'm Christian223 there).

  • That makes sense, I don't want to make it very complex though, but I'll try to implement it so it fits a casual gameplay, or at least something close to that.

    Thanks a lot. Keep the comments coming.

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  • I was thinking in making the weapon and armor upgrade automatic because you'll allways choose the most powerful one, right?, so why not have it automaticaly chosen for you?.

    Do you know how to make the keys customizable by the player?.

  • UPDATE!!!!

    Here are the most important new changes:

    -It saves the progress between rooms, including player equipment and changes in the room.

    -You can increase your hearts by picking items.

    -You can get different sets of equipment (in this version you can just change swords, but that can be expanded with ease now).

    -You can enter doors and access different rooms, allowing gameplay like in Metroid where there are lots of rooms to explore.

    -You can mount certain monsters. Possibly to go through dangerous terrain without being harmed.

    Please try it and let me know if there are any problems, I'm experiencing some weird behaviour I did not notice in the older version, at times the game changes speed for a few milliseconds and I don't know what's causing it.

    Also let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions and things you would like to see in this game. Thanks a lot.


    Instructions: Press X when you are on the door to enter. Press X on the chest to get swords.

  • I think this might be a bug.

    If in a Function I pick the farthest object away from a point, it even picks objects which have been destroyed at startup.

    Is it? or is it not?, that's my dilemma...