fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • you must have some plugin for the user to log in to. and then fetch the name from there, and pass it to the webserver.

    but currently the scirra FB and Google plugin only works for web, not android, in C2.

    There are though third party plugins that works fine for this.

  • just use localstorage.

    but if you want the user to be able to fetch the same progress/variables on different platforms/mobiles/computers, then you need to store it online in some backend tool.

  • Funny that I responded to this thread yesterday...

    Since a couple of hours after my post Scirra released a (new) NATIVE Google Play plugin for C3! Silviu

    I do not know if they plan to port it to C2? (I honestly think they should since they sold C2 with GooglePlay as a functional feature, which currently do not work)

  • The Scirra GooglePlay plugin is only for web. Not for mobile. (I know, it makes it pretty useless)

    The plugin works fine with mobile. (but they do not have the fetch leaderboard built in. They just have the Show leaderboard action, which open the leaderboard outside the game. which is ugly as hell)

    So unfortunately there are no perfect solution, and no fully functioning plugin which got the desired features

  • I think it is just fine that we publish stuff using the different stores whatever.

    But I can agree that the plugins/support for interface promising a lot but doesn´t really meet what you expect.

    Yes you can export your work for later publish for mobile use. And yes it exists a facebook plugin and googleplay plugin. But no these plugins do not work for mobile use, they are only developed for web publish, they do not work for native android. And also no, they cannot be used for more functionality other than log in/log out. since they pretty much lack all other functionalities.

    Both FB and googleplay has well docuemntet api docs, and I for myself has modified your FB plugin to be able to post achievements. But it is quite sad that I had to do that imo

    just my five cents..

  • hmm.. ok, thanks, I had missed that!

    (But that post was for just one of these reported issues. The one saying one function will be quivalent to another.

    I got two issues in console, were one of'em is completely removed and not supported any longer..? But I guess it doesn't matter then?)

  • Problem Description

    I am getting warnings/errors in the Console when running exported web games. The issues seems to be related to the audio plugin. (The games works but maybe you need to look into this)

    Seems like Chrome will change it support for these features in this coming release. v64 and v65.

    Attach a Capx

    do not think it is needed, you can export anything with audio (I guess)

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • just create a game in construct2, with audio.
    • Export for web
    • upload and run in browser and look in console

    Observed Result

    When running a game in Chrome i see this in the console:

    [Deprecation] AudioParam value setter will become equivalent to AudioParam.setValueAtTime() in M65, around March 2018  See for more details.[/code:26b5pa2x]
    this realtes to  c2runtime.js:17201
    The "errouneous" line is  the line with setPosition:
    [code:26b5pa2x]		if (api === API_WEBAUDIO)
    			context["listener"]["setPosition"](draw_width / 2, draw_height / 2, this.listenerZ);
    			context["listener"]["setOrientation"](0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0);
    			window["c2OnAudioMicStream"] = function (localMediaStream, tag)
    I also get this in the console:
    [code:26b5pa2x][Deprecation] GainNode.gain.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See for more details.[/code:26b5pa2x]
    relates to c2runtime.js:16553
    It is the line with the gainNode
    [code:26b5pa2x]			if (this.buffer.myapi === API_WEBAUDIO)
    				this.gainNode["gain"]["value"] = vol * masterVolume;
    				if (!this.fresh)[/code:26b5pa2x]
    [b]Expected Result[/b]
    I did expect to not get this warnings.   
    [b]Affected Browsers[/b]
        [li] Chrome: YES (Latest Chrome! Version 64.0.3282.167)
        [/li][li] FireFox: (I do not know)
        [/li][li] Internet Explorer: (I do not know)[/li][/ul]
    [b]Operating System and Service Pack[/b]
    Windows 10, latest
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
    Latest: Beta Release (r253) (64bit win10)
  • Cocoon has one for C2, I guess that might be able to port.

    But sScirras own plugins are not really useful unfortunately

  • > Can anyone make a GooglePlayServices plugin for android? I say this because the Scirra plugin GooglePlay also does not work on android only on the Web.

    > In addition, I was sent by the developers of scirra with the words: "we will not change this plugin" ...

    > Strange guys from Scirra, I paid $ 100 for a non-working plugin, so it turns out?

    > Why then they ask for a subscription if C3 is not perfected?


    + 1

    Man, this thing is unbelievable, you're absolutely right

    Totally agree.

    Their Facebook plugin only works for web, not mobile. But that could have been ok, if their GooglePlay plugin could be used on mobile. But when you realize that the GooglePlay only works for web as well it feels totally off. googleplay is 99% a mobile android thing

  • Any news? Possible to play somewhere yet? (looks awesome!)

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  • The Scirra official plugin (for Googleplay) only work with the webAPI still? Not native android?

  • Ribis , What happened to this?

  • ludei or cranberrygame Do any of you plan to further develop any of your plugins for GooglePlayGames to be able to fetch data from the Leaderbord into the game? It is possible and works fine with the official Scirra plugin, but that plugin only works for web). Neither of your plugins has this functionality, but the functionality exists in the android API for google play.

    Will it be included in C3 plugins, or in the C2 ones?

  • I have not released the game, just testing and developing some stuff right now. But as far as I can see it works to submit scores with Coocon yes. (Never tried the cranberry one.)

    But since it is not possible to receive and show any scores at all except your own, this plugin lacks so much functionality so it is hard to see why I should use it at all

  • Artpunk , hmm.. no, I want to fetch scores and player data from the leaderboard, not to just open the GooglePlayGames app leaderboard.

    'Show leaderboard' is just a "link" to open GooglePlayGames Leaderboard. I want to fecth the data into the game. It works fine with the official scirra plugin, but that is only for web apps, not mobile.

    To just link to the GooglePlay do not really look nice in my opinion.

    To illustrate: I want to be able to have a text like this in the game: "Come on, beat the current champ, Artpunk is currently the best player with a score of 53218" and then maybe a text to display the five best players of the week scrolling in the down.. or for a driving game: "Race! Beat the time 2,40 to became new champ! Current best player is Artpunk".. whetever like that...

    You remember when you play pinball machines or like pacman or whatever in the local mall, there are always a top high score list scrolling when you die..

    These functions exists in the scirra plugin, AND it exist in the android API, ( ... boardScore ) but it is not implemented into Cranberry or Cocoon plugins... really sad.