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  • Anyone?

  • What I did is this but is there any other way to do it?

    I did it like this so:

    When red - Collide then : solid disable on the second floor so he could go through!

    When green + then solid enable so you can walk through the hole.

    The green - removes the solid object so you can fall down...

    You cant really probably see but there is a solid sprite on the top where the stairs end little orange line which enables and disables solid.

    If Image doesnt work add

    This is the link to the Direct Image -

  • A0Nasser the images worked for everyone so far :/ You got some software that blocks it maybe....

  • Hello guys I have came up with a problem on creating the 2nd floor solid so the played does not go back down again as he reached 2nd floor as he needs to get to the other side of the building but what happens is he goes straight down I have tried but everything has ended with a flop....

    Here is how the stairs work:

    In short version what I want is:

    When reach top >> walk on 2nd floor (allowing player to pass the stairs)

    Then allow him go back down again after he walked on the 2nd floor....

    Thank you for your attention!

  • Okey! Thanks I did the Boolean system it works now!

  • Bad with boolean....

  • I know LittleStain, I'm not sure what to do to prevent that?

  • Okey LittleStain I created the animations Player/Glock/Crouch on The main character called Player!

    But the animation isn't playing ? something is wrong?

  • It looks like the Player(gun) or (Player) Scroll To goes left like it's following something which means it's invisible Player? But I pinned them together but still they don't stay together ?? sad

  • Ah, make sure to destroy the bullet before the Wait 2 seconds action, otherwise it probably will trigger other events, and no problem! I am glad to help

    Didn't work , What about the solid? When I add the solid Behavior to the PinkBox the zombie goes flying?

    Thanks again everyone for helping me newbie out!

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  • LittleStain Um, Im new in C2 Maybe that's why sorry

    Do you know why when I run into solid objects and then keep holding the button run (right) then wait.... 2 or more seconds....

    Next - I press (S) to crouch and it moves me forward?

  • LittleStain you mean Adding Animations here on the main character?

  • Yes, It still works good! Thanks LittleStain at least it's nice & tidy now!

  • LittleStain, I dont know how to explain better then that ...

    And I changed the height of it... here:

    But, is this the best way to do it?

    Thanks for attention!

  • Ahh, so like this ?