fonsodub's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • thanks a lot!

  • What do I have to change in the Shaolin Monk Fight event sheet to have the camera move exclusively horizontally?

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  • thank you so so so much everyone

  • actually, as you can see, I did it... I selected the same layer as the player (called "gioco")

  • hello there,

    i have a problem that i hope someone can help me solve.

    so I'm starting to make a shooter, and i have a problem with the missiles. as you can see from the video, the missiles fired from the spaceship can be seen only behind the buildings, which are in the background! the missile should not be covered by the buildings, being in the same layer as the spaceship. Its's a different layer from the buildings, in fact the spaceship does not give any problem, not being covered by the buildings. where i went wrong?

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  • thank you so much :)))))

  • the game in question is a horizontal shooter, Gradius style. So the view goes on by itself for the whole level, it doesn't follow the player. I cannot put invisible walls because there would be problems with the arrival of the enemies. I would like the player to be able to move only in the view, and not through out the entire layout. How can I do it?

  • Hi ,

    I hope someone can help me.

    I would like my player to always stay in the viewport, without going through the rest of the layout.


  • Thank you very much Lancifer :))

    Unfortunately ,looking at Glokar's ePlayer sheet, I didn t find anything, not even in the player movement section :((

    even copying the entire player movement, unfortunately my spacecraft always goes off the screen, both to the right and to the left :((

    I am desperate

  • hi I'm new here :)

    I have a problem that I can't solve right away, not even by consulting your forum.

    I'm doing a horizontal shoot em up video game, where the camera goes all the way through the level, until the end, without following the player, Gradius style.

    the problem is that the player always exits from the visible part, both to the left and to the right.

    How do I make the player move only in the visible part?

  • 10 posts