question about layers and missiles

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Lasers, Blasts, Beams, Bullets, & Missiles! AAA quality Energy FX for your game.
  • hello there,

    i have a problem that i hope someone can help me solve.

    so I'm starting to make a shooter, and i have a problem with the missiles. as you can see from the video, the missiles fired from the spaceship can be seen only behind the buildings, which are in the background! the missile should not be covered by the buildings, being in the same layer as the spaceship. Its's a different layer from the buildings, in fact the spaceship does not give any problem, not being covered by the buildings. where i went wrong?

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  • When you spawn an object you can set the layer where the new object should be created. Verify this in your event.

    (In your example it is not the same layer as the spaceship)

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  • actually, as you can see, I did it... I selected the same layer as the player (called "gioco")

  • But when you spawn or create a new object, you have to specify the layer. If you leave it at zero, it will be on the background. Set it to spaceship.LayerNumber.

  • hello there,

    i have a problem that i hope someone can help me solve.

    so I'm starting to make a shooter, and i have a problem with the missiles. as you can see from the video, the missiles fired from the spaceship can be seen only behind the buildings, which are in the background! the missile should not be covered by the buildings, being in the same layer as the spaceship. Its's a different layer from the buildings, in fact the spaceship does not give any problem, not being covered by the buildings. where i went wrong?

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    In event sheet, you are using another object to spawn the missle, or creating it, there you can enter layer where the object should be spawned to.

    EDIT: TIP for you is to set the Z elevation property of the "buildings" that are more far away, to like -5, this will make them appear futher away.

  • thank you so so so much everyone

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