fongka2's Forum Posts

  • fongka2 Him posting a .CAPX would not help you if you can't follow his instructions and math examples already. Unlike most 2D components, 3D will not be so easy to copy-and-paste and it would be a real waste of his time making an FPS example when the plugin itself can be enhanced even more instead.

    Unfortunately I don't have the time right now, but if you take a look at the Wolfenstein example for Construct Classic you'll see that it's entirely possible to do basic 3D collision using 2D objects and then rendering a 3D view.

    Yeah.but there are so many thing seems is impossiblepwr@using plugin

    I don't believe you can make Tiny Tank by this version

  • fongka2

    I'm working on this plugin whenever i have free time to do so, but as the tiny tank demo proves a lot can already be done with it. You could very much make a quake style fps as things are now, although you'll have to program simple 3D collision detection yourself. Tiny Tank has 3D physics/collisions which were made using events so an fps should be very easy in comparison. Animation will likely come in the future, but again I update at the pace that i can. Read up on 3D collision detection, sphere-sphere collisions are incredibly easy to implement: ... -response/

    The plugin is taking a long time because it implements more complicated collision primitives and uses a spatial hashing scheme to accelerate things, but for simple 3D collisions like you'd need for DOOM sphere-sphere aswell as constructs collision system should be very useful

    Also, obtaining mouse coordinates in the 3D space is based on your camera position, field of view and your window size, as well as the plane you wish to project onto, it's not something that the plugin can't do, its something you must use math specific to your requirements to solve.

    What i think is Answer the questions = useless

    You should upload a 100% really FPS/TInyTank demo .CAPX here

    Then i think no one will ask you question anymore

  • Is the launcher was made with construct2?

    And made in native plugin?

    Yes construct2 html5 app & construct2 plugin & Android java


    now I'm working on IME

    Will Launch Next weak

  • I own Launcher and keyboard app one Google Play by using Android webview

    If there are crosswalk plugin for me

    my app will have a better Performance

    Let me giveup that slow webview

  • Anybody done a fps demo yet? Maybe something based on quake? Or just original...really, anything would be neat to see.

    i'M TRYING

    But just feel this version/this plugin


    i guess this plugin is for you change your 2d game in 3d

    What is this plugin for?(now) = game system basic on 2D,and set 2d item invisible,then use 3D to show those 2D item

    But...QuaziGNRLnose Said next version will add more function like 3D collision detection

    when you get 3D collision detection you can start to do some really 3D game

    (Animation still a problem)

  • fongka2


    1.Phonegap Dialer => implemented, get it from premium member area

    2.said at upper comment

    3.I looked into the Launcher open source and I knew that it was made of over 20 native plugins.

    So if try to make the Launcher app, any developer needs to implement over 20 c2 plugins then make app with c2.

    As for this, more consideration is needed.

    4.Phonegap SoftKeyboard => implemented, get it from premium member area

    5.I worked on Phonegap File plugin with some time, give me some time for this plugin. Study on File API is needed for me.

    Thankyiu so much!!!!

    I like you

  • 2.Does Open browser(URL) exist in c2 standard Browser plugin?

    not working

  • Will you add:

    1:phone call

    2:Open browser(URL)

    3:Get app list,Open app by id(Launcher XD) [ ... n-phonegap ]

    4:show and hide soft keyboard

    5:file read&write(Android)(not just photo)

  • fongka2

    I stated instruction on how to allow your textures transparency to work, you need to enable "Transparency" while keeping the opacity at 100%, this should allow your pngs transparenchy to work. This is necessary so that the renderer understands it needs to apply special treatment to that particular material/texture etc. Transparency is supported but tricky, as it requires the rasterizer to do extra work maintaining sort and draw orders. there are alpha test, depth test and depth write settings you can modify to play with how transparency is handled for particular materials.

    Well...problem solved thankyou!

    here is my forward list

    1:Animation support

    2:really 3D collision detection(Not 2D x,y)

    3:Screen mouse XY <> Q3D world XY

    4:faster update release

  • It just existed when I make new project.

    Maybe, You need update XDK tool.

    Missing API Emulation



  • See this:

    XDK PORJECTS - your_xdk_project - CORDOVA 3.X HYBRID MOBILE APP SETTINGS - PLUGINS AND PERMISSIONS - Third Party Plugins - Add a Third Party Plugin - Get Plugin from the Web -

    Name: local-notification

    Plugin ID: de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification

    Repo URL:

    I know....

    I know....

    but how can i show this up?


    i tried alot of time

    i still don't know how can i open this thing

    may you please....please take a YouTube or something...

    my project don't have any plugin setting


    (Sorry...I'm making trouble for you..)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I'm running into the same issue. Have you figured out how to change this?

    No...only way is com a new nodewebkit by urself

  • fongka2

    See this tutorial: ... ordova-app

    thankyou so much..

    I have seen this before you give me the link

    ...but still can"t get it

    im going to crazy....

  • How can i add cordova-plugin-local-notifications-master on IntelXDK please

    I try about half day

    And idk how ...

    any good Samaritans can take a youtube vdo= (F6@C2 > Android(crosswalk)> open intelXDK > load C2 project > Build) plzzzzzzz

    there is no way let me install plugin


  • Cipriux

    Good suggestion, Facebook and Twitter integration will be great works.

    I'll look into positively but wait some time until more priority works end.

    Thanks very much for your using Phonegap Admob well.

    He is right..Facebook Plugin=many people expected(ME+1)