[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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  • one more thing!!

    Will you add this plugin too?(Voice to text)

    <head><meta charset="utf-8" /></head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var infoBox; // 訊息 label
    var textBox; // 最終的辨識訊息 text input
    var tempBox; // 中間的辨識訊息 text input
    var startStopButton; // 「辨識/停止」按鈕
    var final_transcript = ''; // 最終的辨識訊息的變數
    var recognizing = false; // 是否辨識中
    function startButton(event) {
      infoBox = document.getElementById("infoBox"); // 取得訊息控制項 infoBox
      textBox = document.getElementById("textBox"); // 取得最終的辨識訊息控制項 textBox
      tempBox = document.getElementById("tempBox"); // 取得中間的辨識訊息控制項 tempBox
      startStopButton = document.getElementById("startStopButton"); // 取得「辨識/停止」這個按鈕控制項
      langCombo = document.getElementById("langCombo"); // 取得「辨識語言」這個選擇控制項
      if (recognizing) { // 如果正在辨識,則停止。
      } else { // 否則就開始辨識
        textBox.value = ''; // 清除最終的辨識訊息
        tempBox.value = ''; // 清除中間的辨識訊息
        final_transcript = ''; // 最終的辨識訊息變數
        recognition.lang = langCombo.value; // 設定辨識語言
        recognition.start(); // 開始辨識
    if (!('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)) {  // 如果找不到 window.webkitSpeechRecognition 這個屬性
      // 就是不支援語音辨識,要求使用者更新瀏覽器。 
      infoBox.innerText = "本瀏覽器不支援語音辨識,請更換瀏覽器!(Chrome 25 版以上才支援語音辨識)";
    } else {
      var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); // 建立語音辨識物件 webkitSpeechRecognition
      recognition.continuous = true; // 設定連續辨識模式
      recognition.interimResults = true; // 設定輸出中先結果。
      recognition.onstart = function() { // 開始辨識
        recognizing = true; // 設定為辨識中
        startStopButton.value = "按此停止"; // 辨識中...按鈕改為「按此停止」。  
        infoBox.innerText = "辨識中...";  // 顯示訊息為「辨識中」...
      recognition.onend = function() { // 辨識完成
        recognizing = false; // 設定為「非辨識中」
        startStopButton.value = "開始辨識";  // 辨識完成...按鈕改為「開始辨識」。
        infoBox.innerText = ""; // 不顯示訊息
      recognition.onresult = function(event) { // 辨識有任何結果時
        var interim_transcript = ''; 
        for (var i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
          if (event.results[i].isFinal) { 
            final_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript; 
          } else { 
            interim_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript; 
        if (final_transcript.trim().length > 0) 
            textBox.value = final_transcript; 
        if (interim_transcript.trim().length > 0) 
            tempBox.value = interim_transcript; 
    last:<input id="textBox" type="text" size="60" value=""/><BR/>
    mid:<input id="tempBox" type="text" size="60" value=""/><BR/>
    <select id="langCombo">
      <option value="en-US">en-US</option>
      <option value="cmn-Hant-TW">中文(台灣)</option>
    <input id="startStopButton" type="button" value="Start" onclick="startButton(event)"/><BR/>
    <label id="infoBox"></label>
  • fongka2

    Ran this example in chrome.

    But "recognition.onstart" event is not fired

    Only "recognition.onend" event is fired

    I have no mike.

    Is this normal?

  • fongka2

    Ran this example in chrome.

    But "recognition.onstart" event is not fired

    Only "recognition.onend" event is fired

    I have no mike.

    Is this normal?


    let me try later

  • cranberry I think there's a bug in the local notification plugin... even if I put 20 or 200 seconds in the 'delay' parameter, the notification still gets sent instantly :S

  • alvarop

    I will add it to to-do list

    Ejecta wrapper (for ios) is mainly used for performance.


    Fixed only instantly bug.


  • Hi Cranberrygame!

    I'm sorry, I tried to reach you by PM, but I think maybe something went wrong while the system was down. Can you contact me back. I have a project which I think only you can help me with. It will be a paid job, so please contact me asap as I have a tight schedule for it. Thanks!

  • cranberrygame I was hoping there was a way to integrate Admob with ejecta, as Phonegap doesn't have good performance yet. Do you know of any way I could make that work?

  • Pariunos

    Check PM


    I added Ejecta Admob to to-do list


    Error: Plugin failed to install: barcodescanner (https://github.com/phonegap-build/Barco ... 3b4955dce2)

    (I donated again(American Express Credit Card XXXX-XXXXXX-X5473),plz check)

  • fongka2

    Do not select all plugins in "Included Plugins" tab, select Minimum is recommended.

    Then errors will disappear.

    Thanks for your donation very much.

  • alvarop

    Phonegap Game (for iOS) updated

    added condition "Is logged in"

    Phonegap GameCenter was deprecated

    so download and use Phonegap Game

  • Hey cranberry, I just started working with your IAP stuff on my Android phone. After putting it on my phone, I've got an error in my debug console saying "Uncaught ReferenceError: inappbilling is not defined"

    Do I need to download any additional plugins or add anything to my config.xml to get this to work? Thanks!

    [EDIT]: Turns out you need this in the config.xml: <gap:plugin name="com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling" version="3.0.2" />

  • gizmodude4


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  • Hi Cranberrygame!

    Is there some way I can contact you more directly so that we can discuss things quicker? Thanks!

  • Pariunos

    You can PM me


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