fongka2's Forum Posts

  • fongka2

    Added "Phonegap File" plugin which you requested.

    See Free section at this post's main page.


    Thankyou so much!

  • VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  • spy84

    Developing this plugin is difficult even for me as an experienced programmer. It is completely usable atm but is for intermediate users as i have always stated. All the actions are there for inspection before someone buys the plugin. Those who can use the plugin in its current state are surely using it as it is definitely stable and usable. Releasing the plugin when its feature complete would be impossible for me. There's always more to add. I simply can't work and risk over 300 hours into a project with 0 return, that's not sustainable. I'm working on the plugin, my goal right now isn't to please everyone, it's to create a quality product that is as usable as possible regardless of the time required to achieve that, I spent months working on the first iteration and i'm spending months working on the second, this is simply the development and testing process, complicated things take a lot of time, and i'm not able to make this my full time job so i'm not able to work on it full time.

    It would be unprofessional for me to stop development, which is something i could easily do but aren't because i enjoy the project and think the result will be something which a lot of people can look forward to. Early adopters are helping me to reach that goal and i thank all of you, but complaining about long development times isn't going to change long development times, if i could do it any faster i obviously would as it would be the best option for everyone.


  • I have do this about 4 month without sleep lol

    this is a MMORPG online game using C2

    but now i will going to busy

    so i sell my online game project here

    this project is 80% done

    here is what my system have:



    1 for your custom server command

    2 for game


    for server(websocket IO only,You no need to know it/edit it,work on PC,OSX,LINUX)


    for adding npc,story,item,ui text etc..(Just click,easy to use,made by C2 too!~)


    1 for player

    2 for server(Yes,you can design your server part on C2)

    1 for game story(adding npc,story,item,ui)

    1 for website(made by C2,read txt file to display a website, ,


    Index code YouTube:



    1:Game Multi-language(Game will auto detect how many language installed in game folder,and let user choice)

    2:Really time online PVP(100%really time PVP)

    3:Server made by C2(You can edit server function in C2)


    4:database base on C2 plugin(Save as .txt file,and read by C2 plugin)

    5:login and register in game(CD-KEY support,No need website)

    6:Auto fit all screen size(Using viewport)

    7:3D/2.5D support(Ths system is easy to change to 3D or 2.5D

    8:Item system(basic on array,for now list item only,can't use)

    9:Social system(like MSN(70% done))


    11:anti cheat/hack(Not easy to hack,even you have source code)

    12:done your maps in C2(Tilemap or other)

    13:Setting file = text file(Easy to change any setting)

    14:Version check&update(easy to make user update with URL)

    15:Auto backup player data(Default backup to dropbox)

    16:Mobile support(within touchpad for mobile...but i don't have add a keyboard for typing ac/pw)


    and...many others....

    I promise you will learn all of what you must learn about "how to make a online game"

    It outweights the others in price performance

    (sorry for my english....sorry...)

    Before you buy my online game Source

    You must Confirm

    1:You are good C2,THIS IS NOT EASY<<<I will give you support to learn how my system work,but i will not going to teach you C2

    2:You have a server for online<<<no router=better,I using a bootcamp mac mini (I5 2012") for server,mac mini can hold about 5000 player online

    3:You Will Not Share The Files<<<never

    [Buy Here]

    Limited sell to 5 people only


    after buy my project,I will free to support you on TeamViewer,PM your Facebook to me

  • Try to figure out what plugin all the projects that won't open are using in common. That might help you find the problem one, and you can ask the author about it.

    Finali found reason is my text plugin changed by myself and i forgot it

  • Closing, your project uses loads of third party plugins, and the problem is most likely a botched update by a third party plugin developer.

    So...C2 can't tell user which plugin action ID not found?

  • [attachment=1:1x8ctea7][/attachment:1x8ctea7]

    The one you're trying are definitely from other drive, which no longer connected to your pc. Find out what is drive F.


    You said you've tried directly from directory, but failed, means your caproj might be missing something in it's folders.

    > who will use only standard plugins to make the game


    I do.

    Only i cant open some project,not all project(But they are all in same folder)

    i tried move my project or C2 many many times

  • What message(s) do you get when you try to open?

    Have you tried reinstalling r173?

    Have you got a backup?

    Unfortunately I can't try it as it includes numerous non-standard plugins.

    see YouTube please

    who will use only standard plugins to make the game

  • try open directly from directory, because what I see is the caproj is referred to Temp folder in AppData. This can happen if your C2 crash previously, happened to me before. The c2 might stored the temp directory on its recent list instead of directly to your folder.

    Ofcoz i tried


  • The video is not even viewable. fongka2


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Problem Description

    Project work on F173,but not work on R178(all plugin same)

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    A game

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      too much

    Observed Result

    Can't open

    Expected Result

    Can open

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win8.1 64BIT

    Construct 2 Version ID



    Error: Plugin failed to install: barcodescanner ( ... 3b4955dce2)

    (I donated again(American Express Credit Card XXXX-XXXXXX-X5473),plz check)

  • fongka2

    Ran this example in chrome.

    But "recognition.onstart" event is not fired

    Only "recognition.onend" event is fired

    I have no mike.

    Is this normal?


    let me try later

  • one more thing!!

    Will you add this plugin too?(Voice to text)

    <head><meta charset="utf-8" /></head>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var infoBox; // 訊息 label
    var textBox; // 最終的辨識訊息 text input
    var tempBox; // 中間的辨識訊息 text input
    var startStopButton; // 「辨識/停止」按鈕
    var final_transcript = ''; // 最終的辨識訊息的變數
    var recognizing = false; // 是否辨識中
    function startButton(event) {
      infoBox = document.getElementById("infoBox"); // 取得訊息控制項 infoBox
      textBox = document.getElementById("textBox"); // 取得最終的辨識訊息控制項 textBox
      tempBox = document.getElementById("tempBox"); // 取得中間的辨識訊息控制項 tempBox
      startStopButton = document.getElementById("startStopButton"); // 取得「辨識/停止」這個按鈕控制項
      langCombo = document.getElementById("langCombo"); // 取得「辨識語言」這個選擇控制項
      if (recognizing) { // 如果正在辨識,則停止。
      } else { // 否則就開始辨識
        textBox.value = ''; // 清除最終的辨識訊息
        tempBox.value = ''; // 清除中間的辨識訊息
        final_transcript = ''; // 最終的辨識訊息變數
        recognition.lang = langCombo.value; // 設定辨識語言
        recognition.start(); // 開始辨識
    if (!('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)) {  // 如果找不到 window.webkitSpeechRecognition 這個屬性
      // 就是不支援語音辨識,要求使用者更新瀏覽器。 
      infoBox.innerText = "本瀏覽器不支援語音辨識,請更換瀏覽器!(Chrome 25 版以上才支援語音辨識)";
    } else {
      var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); // 建立語音辨識物件 webkitSpeechRecognition
      recognition.continuous = true; // 設定連續辨識模式
      recognition.interimResults = true; // 設定輸出中先結果。
      recognition.onstart = function() { // 開始辨識
        recognizing = true; // 設定為辨識中
        startStopButton.value = "按此停止"; // 辨識中...按鈕改為「按此停止」。  
        infoBox.innerText = "辨識中...";  // 顯示訊息為「辨識中」...
      recognition.onend = function() { // 辨識完成
        recognizing = false; // 設定為「非辨識中」
        startStopButton.value = "開始辨識";  // 辨識完成...按鈕改為「開始辨識」。
        infoBox.innerText = ""; // 不顯示訊息
      recognition.onresult = function(event) { // 辨識有任何結果時
        var interim_transcript = ''; 
        for (var i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
          if (event.results[i].isFinal) { 
            final_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript; 
          } else { 
            interim_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript; 
        if (final_transcript.trim().length > 0) 
            textBox.value = final_transcript; 
        if (interim_transcript.trim().length > 0) 
            tempBox.value = interim_transcript; 
    last:<input id="textBox" type="text" size="60" value=""/><BR/>
    mid:<input id="tempBox" type="text" size="60" value=""/><BR/>
    <select id="langCombo">
      <option value="en-US">en-US</option>
      <option value="cmn-Hant-TW">中文(台灣)</option>
    <input id="startStopButton" type="button" value="Start" onclick="startButton(event)"/><BR/>
    <label id="infoBox"></label>