Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry but 2 and a half months im waiting for tutorials updates etc.. you said from the start that you are working on the plugin in your free time and thats ok but when you sell something at least do it more professional. if someone gives you lets say 1 euro for your work it doesnt mean that because its really cheap he should wait forever for you to complete your project. your work at least from the demo should cost higher than 10 euros but the way you manage your work is an example that everyone should avoid. you sell something that is incomplete has no documentation, no tutorials (video tuts) and everyone just wait. if for example you have a ready to work polished product well explained and fully fuctional i think that you will be a lot richer. Maybe you upload an updated version in a couple of minutes and ill be really fool but for me it will not change what i wrote you. i really understand that this plugin is a hard to achieve as you want it and who am i to tell you things when i dont even know what coding is but i still believe that you should promote it smarter..

    sorry for my post i dont want to be rude or something, from the start i wrote that your plugin is an evolution of c2. it is still an evolution but in the same time for me seems like a bad joke. i hope the good news come soon. and sorry for my bad english.

  • spy84

    Developing this plugin is difficult even for me as an experienced programmer. It is completely usable atm but is for intermediate users as i have always stated. All the actions are there for inspection before someone buys the plugin. Those who can use the plugin in its current state are surely using it as it is definitely stable and usable. Releasing the plugin when its feature complete would be impossible for me. There's always more to add. I simply can't work and risk over 300 hours into a project with 0 return, that's not sustainable. I'm working on the plugin, my goal right now isn't to please everyone, it's to create a quality product that is as usable as possible regardless of the time required to achieve that, I spent months working on the first iteration and i'm spending months working on the second, this is simply the development and testing process, complicated things take a lot of time, and i'm not able to make this my full time job so i'm not able to work on it full time.

    It would be unprofessional for me to stop development, which is something i could easily do but aren't because i enjoy the project and think the result will be something which a lot of people can look forward to. Early adopters are helping me to reach that goal and i thank all of you, but complaining about long development times isn't going to change long development times, if i could do it any faster i obviously would as it would be the best option for everyone.

  • Keep up the good work Some people just have to wait to be patient. Release it when you feel you are at a good stage where you need feedback from us. Everyone who purchased it should have understood that it was a work in progress, or waited until it was complete to buy it. Its so cheap anyways, I don't understand why people are so upset.

    Looking forward to playing with it some more once it develops more.

    Please don't stress over people complaining about not realizing what they purchased before buying it.

  • spy84

    Developing this plugin is difficult even for me as an experienced programmer. It is completely usable atm but is for intermediate users as i have always stated. All the actions are there for inspection before someone buys the plugin. Those who can use the plugin in its current state are surely using it as it is definitely stable and usable. Releasing the plugin when its feature complete would be impossible for me. There's always more to add. I simply can't work and risk over 300 hours into a project with 0 return, that's not sustainable. I'm working on the plugin, my goal right now isn't to please everyone, it's to create a quality product that is as usable as possible regardless of the time required to achieve that, I spent months working on the first iteration and i'm spending months working on the second, this is simply the development and testing process, complicated things take a lot of time, and i'm not able to make this my full time job so i'm not able to work on it full time.

    It would be unprofessional for me to stop development, which is something i could easily do but aren't because i enjoy the project and think the result will be something which a lot of people can look forward to. Early adopters are helping me to reach that goal and i thank all of you, but complaining about long development times isn't going to change long development times, if i could do it any faster i obviously would as it would be the best option for everyone.


  • spy84 Construct 2 may be about "Create games. Effortlessly.", but this plugin is NOT that! This is a plugin to give 3D functionality to those who understand 3D in general and wanted access to ThreeJS from Construct event systems. It does take a lot of work, and no matter how many snippets/examples/tutorials there are to copy from it will never be enough to replace the knowledge you gain by just using the plugin and teaching yourself 3D game development.

    fongka2 I don't think releasing the Tiny Tank capx will help us, that demo is so far advanced from the concepts needed to start that it would probably make people even more confused (Quazi is really good at math )

  • [quote:3g6hwecx]- Easy loading of 3D models in .obj, and three.js JSON format

    Does this mean they can be loaded at runtime as well? Lets say if I use Node-Webkit and I could have folder for the objects and load them from there?

    Also do you have any plans to put this plugin to Scirra store? I don't have PayPal.

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  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry if i was rude or something like that, keep working on it the only think i said is that everything has documentation from the win95 games like solitairy to high advanced programs. i dont get why not your plugin? and i dont get many of you said.."you dont know from the first time what you bought so why are you are talking like that??" why should i know? its a plugin that gives me the oportunity to load 3d objects in c2. why should it be so difficult? the only think i want to do with this plugin is to add 3d objects in the backround of a side scroller with parallax effect instead of animated images from blender. if this is the most difficult thing in the world to upload it with a course/tutorial then ok im wrong idont know 3d i dont know three.js i dont know spanish or german languages either. many of you who understand the plugin why dont you make some basic tutorials with uv mapping camera settings how to load an object to c2 and other basic stuff so leave time to QuaziGNRLnose work more focused in his plugin?just saying...

  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry if i was rude or something like that, keep working on it the only think i said is that everything has documentation from the win95 games like solitairy to high advanced programs. i dont get why not your plugin? and i dont get many of you said.."you dont know from the first time what you bought so why are you are talking like that??" why should i know? its a plugin that gives me the oportunity to load 3d objects in c2. why should it be so difficult? the only think i want to do with this plugin is to add 3d objects in the backround of a side scroller with parallax effect instead of animated images from blender. if this is the most difficult thing in the world to upload it with a course/tutorial then ok im wrong idont know 3d i dont know three.js i dont know spanish or german languages either. many of you who understand the plugin why dont you make some basic tutorials with uv mapping camera settings how to load an object to c2 and other basic stuff so leave time to QuaziGNRLnose work more focused in his plugin?just saying...


    Maybe everyones project helps you out , this is pretty new tech so everybody must learn the not so easy way, for now , if you want color blender objects , you must use the json three.js exporter in blender.

    and load it as in everyones project capx , on my post page 41

    PS Its case sensetive , so everything names/folders , and eg. uppercase letters must be 100% correct for getting it to work , advice inspect your blender.js in eg. notepad++ to confirm img.names etc.


    you can preview your blender.js here drag and drop

  • spy84

    There actually is an example for object loading on the main post! It's been there for quite a long time. If you require more assistance feel free to ask questions here, as you can see i check quite often and try to offer up advice when i can. There are only 3 simple examples but they do cover basics of various features. The rest can be figured out from the description text which i wrote for every action/condition/expression/action parameter, be sure to read that text!!!

  • Hi QuaziGNRLnose,

    im realy interested in this but i dont have any experience in 3D, what do you think how hard it would be for me to achieve something with that plugin? Or do you think i should first get some experience in 3D with something else and then start to learn about this plugin?

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    How do I toggle on off lights

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    How do I toggle on off lights

    you change the intensity of the lights, and set intensity to 0 to turn them off. You can create and destroy lights too, but this is not recommended during runtime because they need to be rebuilt into the material shaders. Lighting is very complicated in games.


    It depends what you mean. With no experience it'd be difficult to make a fully 3D game that looks/plays like Tiny Tank, making a 3D game is much more complicated than a 2D game, and making 3D graphics also has a steep learning curve.

    Let me know what uses you have in mind. If your interest lies in curiosity and simply playing around with new tools it's definitely something that anyone could toy with regardless of their skill level, just don't expect to be making a game until you really get a grasp of what you're doing and how the plugin works. I've provided simple examples for those who got the plugin that outline loading models and setting up a simple scene. Look at the actions/conditions/expressions and make your decision on how difficult those seem. Feel free to ask me any questions as ill be happy to answer.

    With that said, the plugin might still be useful if you wish to make 3D backgrounds, menus etc. It's definitely one of the easiest ways to implement 3D stuff into a webpage, i made it and am working on it so that i could more quickly work on 3D stuff through construct, but it's not EASY, i recommend that you could comftorably call yourself an intermediate construct user before using it in its current state. I'm working on updates so that loading models and doing 3D collision testing is more intuitive, but those aren't out yet.

  • Thanks for your reply!

    i have so many things in mind what i could or would like to do, a "simple" doomlike first person shooter for instance

    from the screenshots it looks very complicated to me, do you know how many actions you have in there?

    but i think i will try it anyway when i have some sparetime!

  • I've made an alternative plugin icon (the default is too standard and it confuses me)


    EDIT: preview

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