firebelly's Forum Posts

  • You can make some really awesome images with this.

  • Does anyone know spriter enough to help me out with some animations? Might require some photoshop/pickle/pixlr work to clean up sprites as well.

    Sprites are very small, so the pixel count isn't very high. I need to turn a standing sprite into different animations.




    Ladder Climb

    That's about it.

  • *facepalm* That is perfect and I am dense.

  • I'm trying to come up with some pseudo code for spitting out numbers randomly, with weights.

    So, I want to randomly spit out 1-10. But I want 1-6 to happen 75% of the time, 7-9 to happen 20% of the time and 10 to only happen 5%.

    Basically I want there to be adjustable weights on the return. Any thoughts on this?

  • Ludei CTO expects the cloud compiler to have the new WebGL code integrated in 4-6 weeks. We are getting closer, just a little longer :)

  • Perfection.

    My last question.

    Does anyone know of any drawbacks of this?

    What are the upper limits of the browser/desktop for doing tiles vs large images with a few solid blocks here and there?

    Is 3000x3000 ok? or way too much?

    Does this create any other issues like graphical glitches?

  • I've been using this app ( a lot for making my maps, but I was wondering if there was a plugin or way we can integrate the exports from this.

    Here are the exports.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Right now, I'm exporting as a huge png, and then I split it up in Photoshop and arrange it in C2.

  • CocoonJS doesn't support webgl, and with that, box2d physics is really slow.

    That said....they announced webgl support this week. So soon we will see much improved framerates.

  • Ludei just tweeted "#WebGL on every Android and iOS device, for the first time ever! #HTML5 #games #GDC2013"

    Now if they could just support Windows 8 Phone and Blackberry, so it's a single eco system <img src="smileys/smiley27.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley27.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley27.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    You can't do WebGL in WP because the apis aren't exposed. The only thing we have access to is the browser control. The core is IE10. Our hands are pretty tied on this one. Microsoft did this as a way to keep a clean handset, but I also blame Google for not working with MS to get Chrome working on WP8 or even Win8 for that matter... MS can open up APIs for preferred partners I think. But there is a lot of bad blood between Silicon Valley and Redmond. To our detriment.

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  • Have you seen this as well? The second and third item from the top of the list.

    'Requested by Disney'

    Disney is actually really good at going out to grab new companies or use new tech to advance the software they have. I'm sure they are always looking for new ways to expand the game reach. My old coworker worked at a company that Disney picked up. They know how to pick startups usually.

  • I think if I see them this week, I will give them a big hug. And a Thank you from C2. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

  • Does anyone know if there is a way to speed up the physics on the handsets? I've removed most of the iterations on physics checking, and it is still slow.

    The rest of the app is normal speed, but Physics calculations are in slow motion, As if gravity was 1/4 or something.

    I don't know how to compensate for that. The collisions seem to be fine, but the speed at which objects fall is much slower on the handsset than desktop. I feel like this could be fixed with some mulitplier or DT calculation. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  • I don't mean, how do I do more physics, I guess my questions is, how can I do less. I ported an app over to android and the animations look ok, but the physics is 2-3x as slow. My game has falling bricks, and they go reallllllly slllloowwww on a really good android phone.

    is there any way to make the physics use less CPU? or Compensate? I would think you could do some sort of skip frame thing.

    Funny though, the phsyics runs a little faster on the Windows Phone than it did in CocoonJS on an android. :(