firebelly's Forum Posts

  • You can use the "Version" project property, can't you ?

    And as Xionor mentioned, display it in a text object or log into the console browser using the "projectversion" system expression.

    I understand that as well. In more complex IDE's though, every time you hit export/build, there is a number that is incremented by either process templates in TFS or a script in the IDE, starting at 1000. you hit build, it becomes 1001. so your version # is 1.0.1001. I'm just used this being an option in .Net.

    If I'm building twice daily, this is nice because if a tester comes in on saturday, he wants to test the latest, there are now 14 builds he can pick from since you built twice daily.

    I understand to most developers this isn't a problem, but I think this something modern, larger scale projects must deal with.

  • I understand that is an option. I'm just curious is anyone had real automated solutions. In my C# world, this is handled inside a TFS build process template...Just thought it's one cool thing to help devs who iterate a lot with testers.

    The other thing, as games get more professional, things like beta access becomes important and you really need to have a nice build system at that point.

  • Or don't use 2 sprites. Just use one. Key it off the frame or animation instead of which sprite you clicked.

  • Hate to be a bumper....Not looking for a real silver bullet here, just curious if anyone else ran into this.

  • I know it's strange, I've been using C2 for a year now, so I know what to check in situations like this.

    I know it sounds like my fault, but check out the object.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • As a programmer, I'm used to things in C# like generics, etc.

    I can build an object that is a collection of complex objects.


    <pre 100>




    Name = String;









    From here I can populate it on start, and then access pretty quick.

    Get me person 12123412334 and a chat with id 2312213. I can add as many chats as I want to a particular person.

    How do you implement something like this in C2? I would assume it would require Functions, Arrays and Dictionaries.

    Mind you I don't know what the equiv of this is in JS, Python, Ruby or Java or in C++ for that matter.

  • This would really helpful for things like "Continue".


    On Start->

    If Save "Slot One" Exists->

    Set Continue Text Visible


    Set Continue Text Invisible

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run the above event



    I tried making an simple version of this to duplicate, but it seemed to work right in the new one I created. Not sure what could be causing this or if it is my fault somehow. This worked fine a week or two ago.

    Edit: I also tried moving everything around and using Pick Instance UID, this also failed.

    Observed result:

    System catches mouse click and validates teleport button IS OPEN

    System validates button Floor =1 and executes the animation.

    System stops executing the function here.

    Never Reaches the area "Teleporter     Floor=1" condition. That code is never executed even when there is a teleporter with type=1.

    Expected result:

    System finds the teleporter with floor=1 and moves character.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: ye

    Operating system & service pack:Win8 Latest

    Construct 2 version:


  • Check the closed bugs forum. New WebGL stuff broke 9Patch and Spritefonts.

  • I understand this involves a third party plugin, so you might want to wash your hands of it, the truth is Spritefonts are pretty important, and if you have an idea what changed, it would help a lot.

    Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run Project

    2. All Sprite Fonts have the same text


    Observed result:

    All sprite fonts, regardless of name, or instance variable, have the same text. Only impacts Firefox and Chrome (new closure version maybe?)

    Expected result:

    Each spritefont has it's own text that is unique.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 8.0 Latest

    Construct 2 version: 133

    See pictures attached.

  • You can't do it really (that i know of) because the physics stuff is embedded into Box2D. That's not to say you can't do it yourself. It's mostly just checking a couple of variables rights?

    Object1 On Collides with Object2

    Object1 Speed

    Object2 Speed

    Object1 Density

    Object2 Density

    if your char has a max speed of 500, you can just say, if between 0-100, and collides with something, make sound 1, if 101-200, make sound 2 etc.

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  • I'm really interested in seeing if the Cloud based save game thing is possible. That would be sweet. Either through or Azure.

  • Let's say I wanted to tell users that if they wanted to back up save files, they can go to X:\BLAH\BLAH\file.xml and save that somewhere like Dropbox.

    Does this exist? or would we need some tool to rip it out the browser.

  • I need to use the sprite font plugin, but it is broken still for a couple of things. Wrapping does not work properly, I'd like someone to dig into it and fix it if possible.

    I also heard that it doesn't work 100% on CocoonJS. So that's where we are at.

  • Is there a way to stamp a build with a unique number? I deploy a lot to a web server, but as we know, sometimes it caches a little and the older version loads. Without a number, I can't tell if I'm working on the latest. Any thoughts on this?