Fire Totem Arena's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm porting a desktop game to mobile and i used cookies to save game progress related vars. As CocoonJS is not supporting webstorage object, is there any other option to just save a couple of vars (an int and an array) in some kind of mobile cookies?

  • fgl has released an ad platform.

  • Which ad platform you prefer to monetize your games when self publishing? FGL,, or there is a better one out there?

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  • I've made a build of my game that works perfect in Android devices exporting it with CocoonJS. The game performance is really good, except cause all sounds are played with a little latency. It's always the same amount, like a half of a second.

    Is this a common issue when exporting with CocoonJS? Is there any option or way to fix this?

  • When i publish a game for browser i can set the "Fullscreen in browser" option to Crop, Scale outer, etc... it seems this not have much effect when exporting for CocoonJS, cause the game is shown always at the same way, it scales normally, but putting the game in the left side and a black bar to cover the empty space in the right.

    How can i make it work like that but centering the game so i have black bars in both sides (left and right)?

  • Ok, if i finally decide to go for iOS, i think is a good option to buy a Mac Mini and work with Cocoon JS than publishing in PhoneGap with a bad performance (unless they improve it very much, that doesnt seems to be happening soon).

  • Yes, already checked, you can upload and test in iOS devices using Cocoon JS but when the time comes to the final publishing, what they send you as i say is a XCode project ready to compile for App Store. You need a mac to open XCode projects. As it's the final step, maybe you can just ask a friend with a mac just to open the project and publish the game, but the thing is that a mac is needed to finish the process.

    Adobe PhoneGap, for example, seems more simple to make all the stuff, but people say that the games run slow when published with it.

  • Thanks Renato, but unfortunately, Ejecta needs a mac to work and CocoonJS for IOS has the same problem, cause they provide you an XCode project for the final creation of the .ipa file and you need also a mac to open it.

  • If i want to get the .apk and .ipa files to publish by myself and im using a pc, what do you think is the best export option?

  • As i've seen, the main way to publish a game in mobile platforms is using Cocoonjs. When publishing a game in that platform, the game in the market appear like Cocoon is the owner of it? i cant find information about that, but they dont give any apk or ipa file to publish by yourself, no?

  • Well, as im testing it, sometimes work, sometimes not... sometimes load sounds and not music...

  • Added a preload for all sounds on start of layout in Loader Layout. It seems to work now, but the game gets stucked in the loading, the "Go to Main Stage" action doesnt work after the loading is supposed to be finished, so i need to refresh the browser to get it to load again and then it works. :S

  • The game in html5 doesnt load the sounds until they are played for the first time. Is there any way to preload all sounds in the loading so they are all ready when the game starts?

  • to publish a game in fgl for bidding, as they ask you to host the files by yourself, is posible to upload the game to scirra arcade in a private state and share it to fgl or is better to host it with google drive or dropbox? Im not owning web hosting right now.

    If hosted in google drive, is it secure?

  • I've created a white dot sprite and animated it by code and Sine behavior, you can create all you want.

    By default, it's creating a dust mote each 0.3 seconds, you can change it as well as its vertical speed and random sizing range in the Event Sheet. The horizontal movement can be edited changing the Sine behavior selecting the "White" sprite.

    Don't need the reward, i've been asking many questions to the community lately and it was time to give something back to it. I think this can be useful for some other people too .